Chapter 2

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I finally set my book down beside me and noticed the sky was changing colour to a lovely orange. I quickly fixed my hair and exited the room and headed towards the mess hall where I agreed to meet Hange for dinner.

I thought I was close to the mess hall but somehow, I've forgotten the way there.

"How do I always end up lost?" I murmured to myself, as I tried to find the mess hall.

"What are you doing out here?" Asked a cold familiar voice.

I was caught by surprise and turned to see Levi was a few feet away from me wearing casual clothing which consisted of black pants and a plain white long sleeve shirt.

"Oh, hello Captain Levi. I was just trying to find the mess hall and ended up losing my way. My sense of direction is not great..." I explained, feeling embarrassed.

"It's not hard." Levi shrugged and walked past me and didn't look back. "Just follow me." He added.

"Okay thank you." I replied, as I quickly followed behind.

It was only for a moment until we made it to the mess hall. This time it was fuller and busier than before.

Levi didn't say anything else as he continued walking over to a table where I also saw Hange and a couple more unfamiliar faces. I felt like there were a lot of eyes watching me. I was the only one here not wearing a uniform and this is my first time being here, so it was a little awkward.

"Hello Hange." I greeted, as I made it to her table.

She turned her head and greeted me with a big smile.

"So glad you could make it! Please have a seat next to me." Hange insisted, patting the spot next to her. I sat down next to her and kept my hands in my lap.

Sitting opposite her was a man with blonde hair swooped to the sides. He had a stubble around his lips, and he was staring at me coldly but not as much as Levi.

"Oh, that's Miche, he's a Section Commander like me. Don't worry he won't bite. The most he'd do is smell you." Hange explained.

"Smell me?!" I blurted out of surprise.

"Don't listen to her nonsense." Spoke up the blonde woman sitting next to him. She had short hair, and she was really beautiful.

"What? He smells everything!" Hange retorted.

"I just have a good sense of smell is all. I can smell titans from a faraway distance and can alert others." Miche explained, with his expression still.

"Ooh! That's really impressive! But what do titans even smell like?" I wondered, tilting my head.

"Like shit. You smell titans just like a blood hound." Levi spoke up.

Hange couldn't contain herself and started laughing.

"By the way, my name is Nanaba, I'm a Squad Leader." The blonde woman extended her hand across the table. I grasped her hand.

"I'm (y/n), Doctor Zaki is my father." I greeted.

"Oh, wow It's nice to meet you in person." She greeted.

"So how did travelling here go? I'm sure it wasn't easy with all the construction and traffic." Nanaba wondered.

"Well, it definitely wasn't easy. But I know the cause of it was much more devastating. I'm just glad to hear you all managed to prevent a repeat of wall Maria." I responded.

"I think there's something stranger than what we went through..." Nanaba lowered her gaze.

"Don't." Levi said.

Levi x Reader: Her ReasonWhere stories live. Discover now