Chapter 1

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My goal in life is to be able to help people, my dream is to be a doctor, however my attention is always towards science, specifically, the studying of titans. Huge man-eating creatures. My father is Doctor Sohma Zaki. He's studied titans for as long as I can remember. He's dedicated his life to learning about them, so much that he would accompany the Survey Corps on their expeditions outside the walls. I always thought he was reckless, I never understood why it meant so much to him. Sometimes I feel like there's far more to it than titans. I've assisted him with his research a number of times but honestly it feels like it's going nowhere. He often goes on business trips for weeks, sometimes even months at a time, but usually he'll keep in touch with letters.

With that being said, I haven't heard from him in over a month now. It wouldn't be the first time where I haven't heard from him in a few weeks, but something inside told me to be worried this time. I felt very anxious and wanted to make sure he was safe. I knew one of the first places to look would have to be the Survey Corps. He goes there quite a bit so hopefully the Commander will be able to help me.

I've been there a few times, but I haven't been there since I was fifteen. I'm twenty-five now so it's been a long time. Oh, sorry I guess I forgot to introduce myself. I'm (y/n) Zaki. I live in the underground city. I'm not sure why, I mean father has plenty of money to afford a place on the surface. But he has been very protective of his research, but why? Why is studying titans a bad thing? He told me if I were to leave the house for more than a day that I should hide everything and take it with me, so that's exactly what I did.

It's taken me two days to travel from the Underground to the inside of Wall Rose to the Survey Corps headquarters. It was even more difficult due to a devastation happening recently. Wall Rose was breached by the Colossal titan and titans got inside the walls. They managed to plug the hole somehow and exterminate the titans inside but that doesn't mean lives weren't lost.

Something similar happened five years prior as well. Wall Maria was breached and so was Shiganshina. The entire terrane beyond wall rose is run by titans. The Survey Corps are trying to reclaim wall Maria and the land back.

I eventually made it. I had all of father's research in a briefcase which was quite heavy.

I made my way towards the entrance to the Survey Corps entrance where two soldiers standing around. I approached them nervously since soldiers intimidate me a little.

"Excuse me." I spoke up.

"Yes? Are you lost?" One of the soldiers asked, as he looked at me up and down.

"No. I'm actually here to see Commander Erwin Smith." I said, as I gripped the handle of the briefcase tighter.

"What business would you have with him? Fancy him or something?" The other soldier snickered as he thought it was amusing.

"No, actually I'm here because of my father. Doctor Sohma Zaki." I answered, with my voice stern.

They both seemed surprised and quickly gawked at each other.

"Doctor Zaki?! You're his daughter?"

"Yes. Can I please speak with him?" I requested.

"A-Alright, I'll take you to see him. Follow me." The soldier pushed the door open and stumbled inside. I quickly followed behind him and he led me down the hallways in silence. I think he was a little embarrassed with the way he spoke to me a moment ago.

Eventually, we were standing in front of a large door. The soldier knocked on the door waiting for a response.

"Yes? Who is it?" Asked a loud strong voice.

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