Chapter 15

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"Hi" I smiled softly

I stood on my feet, in front of her, with a bouquet of aster flowers in my hand. I was wearing a pair of black cargos along with a black sweater.

"Hey" she smiled back, biting her lip "are these for me?" She asked referring to the flowers in my hand.

No, they're to put on my mothers grave.

"Yeah, they're for you. Here" I spoke handing Valerie the flowers.

"Wait a moment. Let me put these in some water. Be right back" she took the flowers from my hand quickly going back to her house before coming back out again.

"Shall we go?" I put out my hand for her to take and she does.

We start walking out of her front yard and out to the street.

"How has your day been?" I say, trying to make small talk as we crossed the road.

"Normal, as always. Till I got the text from you" she smiled up at me.

We walked into a coffee shop looking around for a seat. The shop was overflowed so we decided it was better to get the coffees to go.

She gave her order and I gave mine, we took our drinks before squeezing our way through the shop.

"It was hell in there" I whispered before sipping my tea.

"Yeah" the girl chucked. "Do you not like coffee?"

"No, not really. Always preferred tea." I shrugged holding my tea up.

She nodded before looking straight ahead.

This was going bad. It was boring. I don't know what to do, this was what I had planned. Going to the shop, sitting down, drinking our 'coffees', talking and then walking her back to her house. Shit.

Okay, gotta think fast.

What should you do Y/N?

There's a book fair ahead but I'm not sure she likes books that much.

How bout a movie? This early in the day? Probably not.

Uhh, how bout the park? We could walk there take a seat somewhere and talk. Yeah, that's a pretty good idea momentarily.

"Through here" I pulled her towards the entrance of the park.

There were little children with adults running around, playing. A few dogs, here and there, some playing and some resting.

I took Valeries hand as I took her to a more quiet part.

"It's quieter here" I explained sitting down on a bench.

She smiled nodding as she say down beside me. "So..?"

I turned my attention to her tilting my head slightly "so what?"

"Why are we here?" Valerie breathed out, smiling as she let her coffee beside her on the bench.

"Why? You don't wanna be here?" I asked with uncertainty in my voice as I turned my whole body toward her.

"No, no. Don't get me wrong, I love that you thought about this, to take me out. But after that night at Vicky's you didn't really call and I got worried. That's all" explaining herself, she turned her own body toward me resting her hand on my thigh.

"Yes, about that, I'm sorry I really wanted to call, it's just that I had a lot going on with my friend, and other things" I sighed softly, mumbling the last part.

"It's alright, it's just that I felt so stupid to call you." She chuckled "I thought you'd think I was desperate"

"No, of course not" I shook my head, putting my hand on top of hers as they rested on my thigh. "I was the stupid one not to call, I just got caught up in my own stuff. But I should've made out time to call, I'm sorry" I softly ran my thumb over her knuckles.

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