Chapter 1

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I'm walking to school because my car it's currently being driven by Peter who I'm not sure even knows how to drive. But before you say I'm an irresponsible older sister he said and I quote 'I don't need to be taken care of I'm a big boy'.

Okay... Now that I say that I maybe should not given a 15 year old a car to drive without supervision but... I don't know I shouldn't given him permission  to skip school at all

But hey on the good side I haven't gotten a call from the hospital yet, so all we can do is hope.

"Hey" I turn around and see Peter.

"Oh, you didn't die"

" yea" he said with a bit of saddens on his voice which I picked on

"why are you sad?" I say looking at him.

He just looks down and mumbles something under his breath

"what?" I said in confusion.

"I was supposed to pick up MJ but she texted me and said to not come"

Aww my brother and his little girlfriend. I was just going to start crying right in the middle of the hall, but I kept it in. "Awww, that's why you wanted my car. To pick up your girlfriend"

"She's not my girlfriend" was the only thing I heard before he left to his class.

"WHATEVER YOU SAY, BROTHER" I yelled across the hall.


I was now looking through my locker to find my math book, only to realize that the thing that I've been looking for is in the left drawer in my ROOM AT HOME.

God why is this my life. I'm probably going to get detention. "Hey B"

I turn to my right to see Sam.

"Hi" I say as I close my locker.

"Why that face?"

I sigh and say "I forgot my math book and knowing Ms. Whitlock... "

"Detention" he says in a funny voice.

As we walk to our classes I see Wanda  get in the math class. "God" I mumble to myself.

"Hey, see you " I see Sam wave at me like crazy, and of course I returned it. I chuckled to myself and entered the class.

Go to sit down on my sit but something  was written on the desk 'HAHA U SUCK'  wow very funny. I let my bag down and sit.

"Oh my god"I sigh as I see Bucky and Steve come in. To make it even worse Steve sits in front of me and Bucky behind me.

It's like I tortured and killed their grandmas and now they have made it their life mission to make my life hell.

"Good morning class" we hear as Ms. Whitlock enters.

"Hey Parker" I hear behind me

"What do you want Barnes?" I answered.

He just chuckled and said "I heard some rumors about you and Wanda"

Wait, what rumors?
Now I was interested in this conversation.

"And what are the rumors?" I said with a smirk. I could basically feel him staring a hole into my scull.

"People say that you two are doing things."               

I want to burst out laughing right in the middle of class but I also want to play with him.

Soo- "I can't confirm or deny that" I answer him while looking at his hand on my shoulder, if he keeps his hand there I swear to God I'm going to break it.

"James, is there a problem?" We hear Ms. Whitlock say.

"No, Ms. Whitlock I was just helping my friend here. She has a stain on her shoulder." He chuckles while wiping my 'stain'.

"Y/N where are your books?" She says while looking down at my desk "And why did you write on the desk?" I look down at the desk

"Ok I didn't do that" I say while pointing at the desk "And about my book's. I... forgot them at home" I say with my fake smile hoping I won't get detention

"Y/N, that's detention." Damm didn't even hold back.

Right as I was going to say something the bell stoped me.

"Make sure you to do your homework!" Ms. Whitlock said before collecting her stuff and leaving.

And I followed her out of the class.

High School Sweetheartsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن