Chapter 5

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"So how did it go?" Ted whispered, I looked at the ground and shook my head getting a piece of paper and scribbling on it trying to avoid his stare.

"It went terrible" I mumbled Ted looked at Abby who had a fake smile on while talking to costumers and was analysing her.

He sighed and patted my back "At least she's not scaring people away this time". I looked up and watched him leave.

Abby kept avoiding me the whole day. She only talked to me when she absolutely had to. She was very calm, and smiled more than she had to, which made her show her psycho side. Also kicked a man out for saying that she gave him the wrong order, which was true but nobody was brave enough to interfere between them. And Ted was doing his best. Not that it was useful but at least he was trying. He's was like the king of gossip on the café. He had a best friend who came here every day. Her name was Mary she looks about sixty-four, sixty-five years old but she always says that is rude to ask an elderly woman about her age so we never really ask anymore. Mary is like our guardian, she's kind and sweet kinda like Abby till you get her mad, then you're going to be praying for your life.

So I turned to her for some kind of advice and she told me 'let her be her, give her some space then she'll turn to you whenever she's ready, after all she's Abby and you're Y/N, she's basically the older sister you never had'  which was partly true.

I looked at the clock and saw that my shift had ended about 20 minutes ago. I smiled and said goodbye to Mary and then I took off my uniform and wore my own clothes. I hugged Ted and said goodbye and tried to hug Abby too but she gave me a dirty look so I just said a blunt goodbye and left.


After a while I got back to my house and saw Pete taking a nap in the couch. I went to his room and grabbed a blanket and put it on him so he wouldn't feel cold. I could feel that I was a bit sweaty so I took a fast shower.

Then I made some pasta for me and Pete. I got to the living room to wake Pete up, only to see an empty couch and the blanket in the ground. I looked around trying to find him. I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door but nothing.

That's when I heard two sets of feet, coming my direction quickly I grabbed an umbrella from the corner and walked slowly to the door. I opened the door pointing the umbrella at it and   on the other side was Sam looking at me unimpressed "Put the umbrella down, Rihanna"

I looked at Peter at the corner  "When did you wake up!? And when did you come here?!" I turned at Sam when I said the last sentence.

"I texted you, but you didn't answer so I thought something happened and I came here" I checked my phone and saw what Sam had texted

"Sam, how I'm supposed to respond to 'weeee'?"

He sighed stupidly and said "Look, mom grounded me because I failed chemistry so I needed a reason to leave my house, and I know you can't relate to that but-" 

"Why? cause my parents are dead?" I asked "yeah, basically" he replied and sat down.

I looked around expecting to see Pete but couldn't "Oh, and if you're looking for Peter he left a minute ago when you were talking, his little girlfriend called him" He said wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at him shocked.

"How did he do that!?"

"Yea I know, I ask myself the same question" pausing a little before talking again "that bastard has gotten good at this" Sam had a big proud smile in his face growing by the moment.

I shook my head and said amazed "Lets go eat dinner. I made pasta" He jumped out of the couch and ran towards the kitchen.

After a while we finished eating, I was doing the dishes and Sam was picking a movie that we could watch. After I was done doing the dishes I dried them and walked to the living room.

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