
I wanted to die. How the fuck were we going to pay that bill?

“how the fuck am I going to pay this bill?” I vented,“i'll have to drop out, look for a job, maybe.....oh my.”

He grabbed my shoulders gently.

“breathe Dee...I have some money saved up... maybe I can help...”

“Come on, I can't accept that...”

“who told you it was for free?” he chuckled,“you'll pay it back when you get it...I was eyeing a really nice Tesla.”

We both chuckled stupidly, before hearing some commotion on the stairs and rushing there.

Grey and Romero were halfway on the stairs and at the bottom of the stairs, lo and behold, Jake.

He had never looked so.... pathetic.

I looked even more put together than him which was a first.

His hair was wet with sweat, His eyes dilated and red, his shirt half tucked and dirty. His pants hung low on his waist and he smelled like the trunk of a Hobo's truck, sex and weed.

“Dimitri, I'm sorry, this pussy ass Walmart Jake Gyllenhaal followed us here.”

“Mitri, baby...”

I cut him off.

“No, Jake, no.” I said, “just go away.”

“no! I'm not going away until we talk, okay?!”

I sighed,“i don't wanna see you Jake, fuck off.”

He tried to say something, but Romero's deep voice cut him off.

“He said fuck off bro.”

“i want to talk to him, not you.” he began to scuttle to where I was until Kain stood in front of me, protecting me.

“i think you better listen to what you are told, pretty boy.” he cracked his knuckles,“or the doctors won't know where to sow on your lips.”

For the next three minutes or so, both three men were arguing, spewing threats as Jake threatened them with lawsuits and powerful names in the streets as me and Grey just stood there, giving each other a look that seemed to give that scar's ’i'm surrounded by idiots’ energy.

I eventually got pissed, and decided that if he wanted to talk to me, that was okay.

I pushed past Jake's muscular body and an even muscular Romero.

“baby, we can handle him...” Kain said.

“no, if he wants to talk, we'll talk.”

I stood there, face to face with Jake. Only I didn't feel intimidated by him. I didn't feel like choking on my own vomit.

“See, idiots, he really did want to talk.....” he began to brag.

But my fist across his jawline cut him off abruptly.

What? I didn't say which part of my body would be doing the talking.

“don't say you weren't warned. Your stupid Hollywood status does not apply to my fist.”

He tried to lunge at me but Romero grabbed him and tossed his body to the side like he weighed nothing.

He wiped the dripping blood from his lips and gave me a murderous gaze.

“Mark my words Dimitri, you'll pay for this.” then he scuttled away like the roach that he is.

It was akwardly silent until Grey's screams of excitement cut through.

“i'm so proud of you Dimitri!” he fanned himself,“oh my God. Is it me or was you standing up to Jake kind of hot?!”

A nurse shushed us from above.

“this calls for a celebration. Ice cream, my treat.” Grey interjected, but realized he just got here.

“right after we see my bestie's dad.” he chuckled awkwardly.

“who knew my baby could be so feisty?” Kain said, ruffling my hair.

“i'm a Capricorn dummy, what did you expect?” I chuckled.

“Your friend was right, it was kinda hot seeing you like that.”

“you think so?” I smiled.

He smacked my ass with a pop.

“yes Honey, I do.”

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