Chapter 75 : "I feel... nothing."

Start from the beginning

Ibrahim leaned in closer, his eyes searching hers, and whispered, "But it's not just a kiss for you, is it?"

Ava's heart raced, and she defensively replied, "It's nothing special. Just a moment."

"Moments matter, Ava. And I can see it matters to you. You can't deny there's something between us. Why are you so hesitant to admit it?" Ibrahim countered. 

Ava didn't know what to say. It was clear to her that Ibrahim wouldn't accept like this. He would keep doing this. And Ava was thinking about the end.....where it would end - not their conversation, their relationship.

Ibrahim continued to look. Her tensed face. She was not looking at him. Her gaze were lowered as if she was thinking something else, "You're not good at hiding your feelings. You know, Ava?"

Ava sighed, "Ibrahim, it doesn't matter what I feel. We're not supposed to be... this. It complicates everything."

"Complications can be interesting, don't you think? Why resist what you might secretly enjoy?" Ibrahim responded. 

Ava shot him a disapproving look, "You're impossible."

Ibrahim chuckled, "Impossible, yet you care for me, don't you?"

Ava again avoided his gaze, "I don't deny caring, but it doesn't mean..."

Ibrahim gently lifted her chin to meet his eyes. "Doesn't mean what? Ava, we're not living in a fairy tale. We can't always control our feelings."

Ava whispered, "But we can control our actions."

Ibrahim, leaning closer, teased, "True, but where's the fun in that?"

Ava tried to change the subject, "What about your fever? Shouldn't you rest?"

Ibrahim smirked again, "My fever can wait. Right now, I'm more interested in decoding your feelings."

Ava insisted, "I don't have feelings too."

Ibrahim pressed further, "Really? Does it make you uncomfortable when I touch you?"

Ava shook her head in denial. And it was true that she didn't find uncomfortable. 

Ibrahim said, "Then, I think there's room for more."

And Ava looked at him with furrowed brows. She abruptly rose from the bed, attempting to create distance. However, Ibrahim firmly grasped her hand to prevent her escaping.

Shaking her head, Ava insisted, "No, there should be a limit. We've already kissed; we can't go further. We need to draw a line. Otherwise, Elara..."

Ibrahim raised an intrigued eyebrow, "Elara, huh? What's with him?"

Ava finally confessed, "Elara told me not to fall for you, and... and I promised him."

Now Ibrahim realised the source of Ava's inner conflict. He understood why she was looking so upset the previous day. Ava attempted to free her hand but Ibrahim didn't let her to do that.

He tightened his gripped and gently yanked her towards him. The sudden movement caught Ava off guard, and before she could react. Both lost their balance, and the duo landed onto the soft hotel bed in a tangled embrace.

Ava found herself unexpectedly atop Ibrahim, her eyes reflecting surprise. She tried to make some distance by placing her hand on his chest. And Ibrahim couldn't help but appreciate the genuine emotions on her face.

Ibrahim smiled and told, "You don't need anyone's permission for your feelings. Elara cares about you, and so do I."

Ava was unsure about how to react. She attempted to articulate her response but the atmosphere between them shifted. Ibrahim smoothly rolled with Ava and now he was hovering over Ava.

Ava felt the change as the weight of Ibrahim pressed against her. She looked up at him with more confused eyes. And Ibrahim looked down at her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. His eyes held a mix of desire and playfulness. 

 Ava attempted to voice her reservations, "Listen, Ibrahim, we can't go too far. It's not appropriate."

But Ibrahim countered her concerns, "We both know there's nothing wrong. And deep down, you want this too."

In a daring move, Ibrahim leaned in and pressed a tender kiss on Ava's neck. The heat of his lips sent shivers down her spine. Her breath caught and she could feel the fever in his kisses, a fever that only seemed to intensify the connection between them...






(To be continued in the next chapter.)

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