When you cry

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He will be concerned and immediately ask who hurt you, or what cause you to bawl your eyes out. If it was because of someone, he'd immediately go storming to them and beat them up. If it was because of an object, or any other things like bad memories or anything, he will make you your favourite food and cuddle with you, telling you stupid and funny stories to cheer you up.

Rotten Cupcake:

Immediately ask you why you're crying while cracking her knuckles, asking if she needs to beat the crap out of someone. If you tell her it was because of someone, he'll immediately call up Julius to team up and beat that person down. If it was other things, he'll cuddle with you while watching your favourite shows.


He'll pat from behind to calm you down before you can tell him. If you tell him it was because of someone, he'll, of course, track 'em down and beat them. If it were anything else, he'll just be patting and stroking your head, letting you relax and listen to his playlist.


If it was because of someone, he'll burst down their door, yelling and cursing at them to never do that to his partner ever again while punching them square at their face, repeatedly. After it was done, he'll leave them a final warning before trashing their house. If it was other things, he'll big you a big hug, rubbing his cheek against your head.


Even if you don't want to tell him, he will be asking you over and over, until you tell him. If it's because of someone, he'll pay them a visit, tagging Mowdown alone with him. He'll let Mowdown beat them up, while he trashes their house and steal some goods from them. When he gets home, he'll give you the goods, telling you they'll never going to be bothering you again. If it's other things, he'll drag you to hang out with his gang, hoping it would cheer you up.


She'll be extremely worried and ask you over and over if you don't tell her. If it was because of someone. She'll be mad and storm to them, yelling and scolding them on how they should never do that to her partner, or anyone. If they don't listen, she'll smack them with her handbag repeatedly, before huffing and leaving to go cheer you up. If it's because of other things, she'll cuddle with you, telling you sweet nothings to you while stroking your head.


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