"What?!" I yelled slightly, "How? My old school's lunch time was 20 minutes!"

"What? How?" Angelina seemed shocked. So was I.

I shrugged and shoved my rice in my mouth. I put my chopsticks up and threw away my tray.

"Hey, what's your number?" Angelina asked, stopping me in my tracks.

My idol wants my number?


Someone pinch me.

Angelina wrote down the number I gave her and smiled at me. "Got it."

Someone please pinch me.

"See ya, Angelina!" I waved at her as she gave me another warm smile. I love her smiles.

I exited the cafeteria and went back over what happened.

My idol and I are friends now. (?)

She likes me.

She's prettier than the pictures. (I mean not that I have some...)

She asked for my number.

Yeah, we're friends definitely.


Someone pinch me.

I walk down the hallway and checked my schedule one last time for the day.

Geography class.

Welp, that's a class I most likely will fail.

"Are you new?" The teacher at the desk asked. She looked middle-aged and had blonde hair.

"Yes," I replied, "I'm Georgia."

"Okay," the teacher replied, "My name is Mrs. Winspear. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

"Uh..." not this again! "I'm Georgia. I'm not good at Geography. I'm a big fan of GT and my idols are Tyler Nelson, Alex Reed, Fabian enter last name here, Angelina Eleketens, and thanks to Angie and Julia from my Math class, speaking of math I love math, I'm also a fan of Addy Green, she's literally a queen... a beautiful queen-"

"Thank you," a voice said.

Wait a minute.

No way.

I gasped loudly, "It's the real Addy Green! I can't believe it!"

"Wait, you... Elli?" I heard Fabian ask.

I walk over to Fabian and grab his identity card and I turn to the empty desk beside Fab and Addy and I look over to Mrs. Winspear.

"I'm sitting..." I point to the empty desk, "here."

I sat down and smiled at Addy and Fab.

"Okay, then. So, today we will be talking about Asia."

I gasped and quickly took out my notebook and pencil, ready to take notes.

Mrs. Winspear noticed my enthusiasm. She looked over at me with a smile and asked, "You like Asia, huh?"

I nodded without hesitation. Everything about Asia fascinated me.

"Yes," I replied to her, "Or... as China would say... 是的. Japan would say はい and Korea says 예."

Mrs. Winspear smiled, seeming impressed. "You know all three of those languages?"

"A little bit," I replied, getting ready to write, "So, what are we learning, Mrs. W?"

"Well..." Winspear answered, "we'll be learning about all the countries in Asia and the languages."

Yep, I KNOW this one.

I quickly jotted that down and waited for more information.

"Does anyone know some of the languages? Georgia, don't answer with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean."

"Taiwanese!" I answered, "Fillipino! Uh... Malay! Uh... Vietnamese! Uh..."

"Okay, I get it," said Winspear, interrupting me, "You're good with Asian culture."

Of course I'm good at Asian culture.

Suddenly, a voice from someone shouted out, "Haha, Georgia's racist!"

"Execute her!" another one shouted.

"No, I'm not!" I denied, "Tyler's black. I like him!"

"I'm telling Tyler on you!" said the second girl.

"No!" I panicked, "He doesn't even know I'm at his school yet!"

"Why doesn't he know?" asked Mrs. Winspear.

"Because he will kill me."

"Why?' she asked.

"Because... he's him," I said, "There's no question about it.

"Fair," she replied, "Okay, back to class."

How did we end up talking about racism and Kevin?

It was 2:10 already as Fabian and I exited Hague Burg. The wind hit my hair, making my skin jitter.

Felt nice.

"Elli, why are you here?" Fabian finally asked me.

Why was I here?

"Why? Am I not allowed?" I snicker, "Will you fire me?"

"Well, it's just-"

"Wait, you can't fire me. That doesn't make sense."


"You're not smart enough to be a manager," I teased, smirking over at him.

"Well- hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"And I don't have the mental stability to be your employee," I smiled.

"Shut and let me speak," he said, annoyed.

Suddenly, a dark, masculine voice spoke from behind me.

"Hey, buddy!"

"Hey, Tyler," Fabian looked back.

Crap. I quickly ran down the road before he was able to recognise me. I could hear them talking behind my back.

"Who's that?" I heard Kevin ask. "Your girlfriend?"

I snickered a little.

"What? No," Fabian replied, not hesitating.

"Congrats, man! Happy for you."

"No, she's-"

"It's fine, Fabian. If she's-"

I freaked out and quickly took out my phone to text him.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He yelled, "She's-" that's when my message sent through.

His phone dinged and he checked it immediately, without finishing his sentence. Luckily.

Me: Don't tell Kevin about me yet!

Fab: Why not?

Me: bc...he'll kill me

"Nevermind," Fabian told Tyler before walking away.

"Weird," Tyler said, suspicious. He shrugged and walked away, too.

Phew. That was a close one. I'll wait to tell him tomorrow. Tomorrow is a Day 2. Wednesday. Maybe hump day is a lucky day.

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