Chapter 4

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It was finally lunch time. I enter the double doors that remind me of my old school as I walk up to the lunch bar. I get some rice and pay for my lunch and head to a small round table in front of a window.

"Ah, rice," I thought aloud as people talked around me. I separated my new chopsticks and went to grab some. "How I missed you," I continued, eating some rice.

I could tell the rice is more soft than the one at my old school. It's more chewable, too.

Suddenly, a girl walked up to me. She was tall, had on a cute outfit, and had brown hair in a pony-tail.

"Hello." she had said.

I immediately recognised her voice. She sounds just like Len from Kevin's GT series.

No way.

No flippin' way. I was sitting in front of the real Angelina Eleketens!!

"You're Angelina!" I finally said, breaking away from my surprise and shock of my idol in front of me. "Ex-voice of Len!" I continued, "Oh my goodness! I'm such a big fan. How are you? Why are you so pretty? I can't believe I'm meeting you!"

She smiled at me, "Thank you!"

I whispered, "Don't tell Tyler." I smiled again.

She chuckled and sat down in front of me. Am I dreaming? Someone pinch me.

"Haha," she chuckled, "I won't. So, you're Georgia, huh?"

I gasped, "You know my name?!"

She nodded, "Yes, I do."

Someone pinch me.

"How?!" I replied, excitedly.

"My friend, Angie, told me," she replied.

Angie, I cannot thank you enough for this AMAZING opportunity.

"I can't believe this is happening right now," I said again.

Thank you, Angie.

"Am I that awesome?" Angelina questioned me.

I nodded aggressively, "Yes! Don't even get me started on Len's theme that zip put on a loop before bed so I could hopefully have a Len dream." I continued with a whisper, "Between you and me, I also wish for a GT and Abby dream. They make such a cute couple."

"You don't ship me and Tyler, do you?"

"Not anymore," I replied, truthfully, "I used to before you stepped down from a Len voice actor. Also, your necklace is so cute, where'd you get it?"


"It's so cute," I complimented, "Now I want it."

I eat more rice and then unlock my phone. "What's the name of it?"

"Uhh..." she answered, "Ocean style...5...925...Dolphin necklace, I think."

How did she remember the exact number??

I typed what she said into the search bar on shein and clicked the search result. "Aha! Found it. I'mma order it tonight in honour of my favourite GT voice actor, Angelina Eleketens!"

"Oh yeah?"

I nodded excitedly, "Yeah!"


The bell rang. The ring at this school sounds like a telephone ringing. Brrrrrring!

"Aw, already?! I didn't even get to finish my rice!" I complained, "Lunch here us shorter than my old school!"

"...Lunch here lasts 44 minutes."

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