Gettin' Twiggy with It!

Start from the beginning

"Mercy me. Children."The lady called.

Dawn, Alexia and Brock stopped as Turtwig ran away with Pikachu.


Alexia, Dawn and Brock were at the woman's house, as she mixed up a medicine for Ash to wake up.

"Drink this, dear."The lady said, pouring the drink in Ash's mouth. The medicine did its work as Ash woke up and looked around.

"Huh? Where am I? Pikachu? Where's Pikachu?"Ash called, looking around for Pikachu.

"It looks like my herb tea, sure did its job."


"Forgive me, my name is Clara."The lady introduced herself.

"Hi, my name is Ash, is nice to meet ya."Ash said, confused.

"This is Clara house."Alexia explained.

"I hope you had a nice nap."Brock said.

"You have nothing to fear. Turtwig's a good Pokémon. I'm sure your Pikachu is fine."Clara assured.

"You know that Turtwig?"Alexia asked.

"Heavens, yes! Turtwig and I are old friends."Clara answered."Turtwig is quite the little helper you see. Turtwig's always coming to the aid of people and Pokémon. And has been for quite some time."

"So, Clara. Does that mean Turtwig is your Pokémon?"Dawn asked.

"No, dear. Land's sakes. I'm very busy working on my herb garden without the time it would take be a trainer or Coordinator."Clara answered. "Truth is, one day Turtwig just show up here out of nowhere. The poor dear, looking exhausted, so I put up some dinner and make sure Turtwig got plenty of sleep."

"Well, if I were Turtwig, I'd never want to leave after that."Brock replied.

"Yes, Turtwig's been here ever since. Helping everything and everyone that needs help, including me, all from a simple twist of fate. In no time all the Pokémon around here made Turtwig their leader."Clara explained."But at times, Turtwig gets carried away, it's alot of responsibility for the dear."

"It sound the pressure is pretty high."Alexia said, concerned. Dawn nodded.

"The Turtwig we saw back at Professor Rowan's lab was totally laid-back and so relax."

"Pokémon are like people, with personalities as diverse as you can imagine."Brock replied.

"Brock's right, but I still can't figure out why Turtwig was trying to attacked us."Ash sighed.

"Well, I wasn't there, but if I were to guess, I'd say Turtwig was trying to protect Pikachu."Clara said.

"Of course! I noticed Turtwig took a protective stance, and must have thought we were trying to harm Pikachu!"Alexia exclaimed.

Ash stood up with determination."I will be right back, I'm going to go out and get Pikachu back! Once I tell Turtwig the truth, everything's going to be fine."Ash grinned, he went out the door, followed by Alexia, Dawn and Brock.


The gang walked through the forest, looking for Turtwig and Pikachu, when they spot something...

"Pikachu!"Ash called.


Turtwig wake up and turned and immediately took a battle stance when he saw them.

"We thought we might found you two here."Dawn said.

"It's great, how Clara knows Turtwig."Brock said, as Ash walk closer.

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