Han - Lie Until It's True

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Requested by @Leenaur143 for a Han injured fanfic (plus other details, but just read the fanfic and you'll see the details. I don't need to write a paragraph summarizing what I'm gonna write, this isn't literature class). Anyways, enjoy!

I'm testing out first person POV again (I have massive writers block so I'm trying something different to combat it *drop kicks writers block*)


Han POV:

If enough people believe a lie, does that make it true? I'd like to believe that it doesn't, but sometimes, the mind really can make a delusion seem like reality. 

Back Door was one of my favorite choreos we've ever done. There was something so thrilling about the entire song that each time the music started, my body moved, and I couldn't stop myself until the end. Then I'd start it over again and practice again and again. It wasn't like I was even trying to practice, really. It was more that I just loved the dance and couldn't stop. Addiction may it be, I was having a blast. 

"Okay." Minho sighed when the song ended. "We really do need to go home tonight as some point." 

Leave it to Minho to be the responsible one. But none of us could actually argue with him. Well, I could try. "One more time, hyung? Please?" 

"You already have the moves down perfectly, Ji." Chan smiled, shooting me a thumbs up. 

"No, I know." I shrugged. "I just wanna do it again for fun!" 

Chan and Minho looked at each and they seemed to have an entire conversation with their eyes before Chan sighed. "Okay, one more time." 

"Yes!" I punched the air and turned to smile at Hyunjin who was standing right next to me. He was beaming too - I think we both really liked this choreography. 

"If we're doing it "just for fun" then can we switch up roles?" Jeongin asked, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips. 

"That's genius, Innie!" Felix exclaimed. "I call being Hyunjin! I wanna do the jumpy jump!" 

"The what?" Hyunjin and Seungmin asked in unison. 

"I think he means the jump at the beginning." Changbin chuckled, ruffling our blonde Aussie's hair. 

"Fine." Minho shrugged and started the music again. We rushed to take new position. I ended up taking Chan's position, because why not? 

We started the dance and Hyunjin and I ended up lifted Felix in the beginning so Jeongin could slid under and take my part. But Chan is a lot stronger than me, and I guess I wasn't in the proper stance to hold him up (because I know I can pick Felix up). He started slipping right as Jeongin was sliding under. 

One though went through my head - don't hit Jeongin. I pulled Felix towards me, taking his entire weight onto me. One moment I had my arms around his waist, the next I was on the ground with Felix beside me. A cry of pain was all I could hear but for a moment, everything was washed away by my own agony. The world was gone, it was just pain, pain, PAIN. 

It'll fade. It always fades. I tried to tell myself as I blindly pushed myself off the ground. I slowly registered that it was my ankle that was hurting, and it was hurting a lot. Enough that I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to keep myself awake. It would almost be better to just give into the pain and let myself fade. But I couldn't. So, I kept telling myself: It will fade. 

It did to a manageable level and although my eyes were open the whole time I finally started seeing. Changbin was kneeling besides, a hand on my back since I was sitting but doubled over. On my other side were the rest of the members crowded around Felix. I knew I hadn't been the one to scream, I had clenched my jaw as tight as possible through the blinding flash of pain. Felix had screamed. And Felix was crying now. 

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