Act 1 Chp 3.11: Last Lead

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It hasn't been a minute since I've been away from people, and yet, another one's already coming my way. I shouldn't be surprised, but here I am. The man standing ahead seemed to want to enter the tavern before he saw me.

"Good evening, Grand Master Varka. I believe you want to go inside?" I pointed at the entrance of the tavern behind me.

"Oh, evening to you as well. That's what I planned. Are you returning?" He wondered.

"I've been in there for like three hours. That much should justify my action to leave now."

"I'm aware of that because Frederica said you'll be here, and I want to speak with you. Did she not tell you?"

"Really? No, I mean, she did. I just didn't expect it to be you, sir."

Grand Master sighs, "Anyway, now that you know, do you mind staying a little longer?"

It doesn't take long for me to answer,

"I apologize, but why don't we talk while walking to the Church? I feel spent today."

"I was just there, though." Hu mumbled, "Very well, let's do it your way."

He turns around and starts walking while I tail narrowly behind him. Our walking pace is moderate, and we'll probably reach the Church in ten minutes. To my surprise, the Grand Master didn't instantly start talking, something holding him back from doing so.

At first, I didn't have a clue what he had for me, but seeing him being reticent gave me enough hints to figure it out. I can't help my anticipation rising. However, in case I was wrong, I kept my expectations low.

"And, what is it that you want to chat with me, sir?"

"Right, let's cut the chase. I have two matters I want to talk with you. Good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?" He raised two fingers.

Thinking for a second, I voice, "Let's hear the good news first."

"As you have noticed, or probably not, we hold a small party considering we accomplish a mission. The mission itself was basically eradicating some bandits. Classic criminals, you know? They caused trouble for citizens, but that was not just it. We also got a lead about your suspects' whereabouts."

"Wait a minute, what do you mean by 'suspect'?"

"Are they not? We did match what you described back then, but until you validate them yourself, the best we can do is to categorize them as suspects instead of perpetrators." He clarified.

"I thought we did match their names as well?"

"I know, but you were the only witness that we had. Objectively, we can't be sure with such little evidence. I hope you understand where I'm coming from."

"Hmm, fair. I don't even know if the one who killed my parents was actually this Kenny-man." I voiced, "Does that mean their whereabouts are the bad news?"

Grand Master Varka simply nodded.

"Where is it, anyway?"


Our conversation brought us to the stairs to the Anemo Archon's Statue. During our talk and walk here, we passed some people. But thankfully, none eavesdropped. My little stalker, however, seemed quite persistent about it. Nonetheless, I doubt they heard clear what we said.

Pondering what Grand Master told me, my brain doesn't come up with many things. I barely have any knowledge about other nations. I mean, I shouldn't rely on my introvert ass. Still, I have a general idea of what kind of nation Fontaine is, or was, based on a book.

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