Act 1 Chp 1.3: Burial

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In the midst of dozing, I hear knocks on the door. Feeling heavy to open my eyes, I peek at the door. Yet, I don't have the slight motivation or strength to speak and stand up, so I remain sitting in the corner. After a while, the person behind the door starts to speak.

"Morgan. May I come in?"

I remain silent.

I recognize the voice. Since I didn't answer, it's only natural for the person to open the door. When he finds me, he approaches slowly and stands before me. I still don't bother to raise my head and keep my head burrowed. But staying silent would make matters more complicated, and for that reason, I voice,

"What is it, Grand Master Varka?"

He stayed silent before crouching.

"Are you still hurt, Morgan?" He concerned.

"... Don't worry about me. Do what you must."

"We did, and we're still trying to. I won't interrogate you about what happened, at least until you're ready." He responded.

"How does it help you?"

"Information from witnesses is crucial. I wish to know the chronology of the incident. With that, it would definitely make this case more manageable to apprehend whoever is behind it."

I remain motionless. My head is still busy trying to collect all the pieces, even though I want to help him. However, I also really don't have the impetus for it.

"Don't you want to serve justice to the culprit?"


I feel my hand twitches. Silence dwells in the room. Unhurriedly opening my eyes, Grand Master's words hastily echo in my mind.

"Right. That is not why I am here." He said before continuing,

"Your parents' funerals are beginning soon. I realize it may be too soon for all that has happened to you, but I don't believe you want to miss their funerals."

I raise my head to look at him.

"You may be right." I weakly said.

I can't see clearly Grand Master's expression as my sight is impaired. Pushing myself to stand up using my knee, he helps me.

"You don't look so good." He commented.

"... It's not as bad as it looks. Let's not waste any more time." I responded as I moved past him.

However, he prevented me from taking more than three steps by holding my shoulder.

"You don't have to push it if you can't or don't want to, Morgan!"

Emontionlessly, I turn back and say, "This will be my last time to say goodbye to them. Let me be. Please."

He's speechless before sighing and hearing my response. Grand Master seems to be in deep thought, still holding my shoulder. I feel something indescribable in my chest as I wait for him to speak.

I'm aware that I AM pushing myself. I barely feel any strength in me as my limbs feel shaky. I've been sitting for too long without moving, literally. Perhaps that's just how it is.

"Alright, but let's wash your face and change your clothes first. That'll make you feel more refreshed."

I just nodded.


To my surprise, I found loads more people attending my parents' funeral. I try to conceal myself, but it's unavailing. I can feel intense gazes from everyone. It could be because the Grand Master walks close to me or they realize who I am. Regardless, I should be feeling uptight and nervous, but strangely, I don't.

I keep walking to where Grand Master escorts me, which leads me to the front, where I can see almost everyone. When I arrive, The Cardinal of Daybreak starts the funeral rites. He starts with my father's story before my mother's, and after that are hymns and prayers. And lastly is the burial.

Before I realized it, the rite was nearly ending. Barely anything gets into my ears. People began to place flowers and bouquets on my parents' graves at the end of the ceremony. The idea to bring flowers slipped my head now that I have nothing in my hand.

"Do you want to put one as well?"

Someone spoke to me with bouquets in their hand.


"I glimpsed you didn't bring anything with you, so you can take these and give them to your parents." She smiled as she handed me the bouquets.

"No, I can't do that. That's yours."

"Indeed. Initially, I brought these to express my condolence. But if it's you, then I'm sure these bouquets will mean more than that."

I'm speechless to hear that.

"How about it?" She asked once again.

"... Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. Here, take it."

"Thank you." I expressed my gratitude as I took the bouquets.

"Don't mention it. Also, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope you'll get through it alright."

I nodded.

Heavily, I step toward my parents' graves along with other people. I give one to each of their graves as well as mental notes. When done, I walked back to where I was. In the end, some people start leaving the graveyard, while some approach me to say sorry and more. Although I don't like it, I appreciate their commiseration.


Few people remain in the graveyard. However, I don't see the lady who gave me bouquets among these people. It's a shame because I wanted to express my gratitude to her. Since I have nothing else, I decided to stay here for a while.

"Excuse me."


"You're Morgan, right? I believe this is our first meeting, so please allow me to introduce myself. I'm Cardinal Calvin, the Stand-in Cardinal in the Church of Favonius. A pleasure to meet you."

I nodded.

He stands beside me while I keep staring at their graves. The winds gently blow to the east, making leaves under our feet dance in the air.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" I continued the conversation going, despite not wanting to.

"First of all, my sincere condolence. If you need anything or need to talk, please don't hesitate to call me. I'll do my best to help you."

"... I appreciate your gesture."

"Secondly, allow me to apologize for not involving you in your parents' funeral rite preparation. We deemed you weren't in state to participate when looking into your state at the time."

"Don't be concerned about it. If anything, I'm grateful to you for doing this without me."

"We just did what we should. Was there anything in the ceremony you felt lacking?" He inquired as he looked at me.

I merely shake my head. Without looking, I know he feels doubtful.

"Are you sure? You don't feel dissatisfied with our arrangement?"

I softly scoff, "Why would I? I do not wish for anything special here. Besides, it already happened. There's no point changing it now."

"If there's nothing more to discuss, allow me to leave." I added before leaving.

"Thank you, and sorry if I took too much of your time." He bowed a little.

I stop at the track and turn back, "No, thanks to you ALL."

I value all the kindness people gave to me. Because moving forward, I wouldn't know what becomes of me.

A/N: A very kind lady, isn't she? Guess who she is.

Thank you for reading, and carry on!

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