Act 1 Chp 3.1: Unnecessary Bodyguard

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Starnatch Cliff.

Since I began, I have frequently changed my destination since I enjoy exploring new areas and getting to know Mondstadt better. Plus, no one will disturb me there. It's like three birds with one stone. If only nobody actually follows me.

I didn't encounter any monsters on the way, or to be exact, I managed to avoid them. I find it very handy in my sonar. That is precisely why I confidently said I could avoid any possible danger. Although, it kind of sucks that it starts to bite me back.

As much as I want to do something about my sonar's handicap, I have no idea what to do. I'm too clueless about my own power. What I experienced wasn't too bad. I might've lost some blood, but that wasn't anything too painful.

For now, I want to stick to my plan. However, if something worse happens, I'll reconsider.

I get a rush from breathing in the fresh air. I need that before I start. Before I do that, I feel a light migraine, following something dripping from my nose. I wipe it with my hand and take a look at it.

"Give me a break..." I grumbled as I wiped the gap between my nose and upper lip.

And so, I began the training that I set up for myself.


Phew, I'm beat.

After I've finished training, I sprawl out on the hillside of Starsnatch Cliff. I'll take my time to rest before proceeding to the next session. I spend my rest time lying down and staring at the sky.

I can hear nearby birds chirping as I try to catnap. They are so close that I can reach them with my hands. Coming back to my senses, I raise my body to sit down. The birds fly away as soon as I move.

Standing up, I say, "Who's there?"

I turn my back to look at my surroundings. There aren't many places to hide except big rocks and bushes. My words didn't get an answer for a while until I sensed a movement.

"Since when did you notice?" She asked after coming out of her hiding spot.

"Mrs. Frederica? Why were you watching me?"

"I know this discomforts you, but I can't help but worry about you. And not just me but some people too." She said as she approached me, "Your sense sure is a keen one."

"I thought I already said you don't have to do this? I appreciate it, but you've seen me doing alright so far, right?"

"Well, yeah. Which I find it astonishing." She was amazed, "You said that sounded like you noticed me long enough."

I remain silent.

"I get it, I get it. However, you've heard my reasoning. No harm done doing this for both of us, isn't it?" She shrugged.

"I doubt someone like you should handle such a trivial matter like this." I commented.

She chuckles, covering her mouth, "I'm so sorry. Your statement took me aback."

"Please don't say that. You need to recognize that protecting citizens is part of the job of the Knight of Favonius."

Rich coming from you guys when I have already witnessed your failure doing so once.

"I know you are disappointed that we couldn't save your parents, but I'm doing this for your sake, okay? Not forced because it's my duty or anything." Mrs. Frederica confessed.

I let out a heavy sigh hearing that.

"There's no need to make a big deal of that incident, Mrs. Frederica." I answered as I turned my back.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot." I looked at her again, "Do you have business with me?"

"To be honest, not really, as long as you're safe and sound. However, I am curious why you are doing a workout." She inquired as she tapped her cheek.

"Is it weird?"

"I wouldn't say so. It's good for you to maintain your body, but this place is just not it."

"Perhaps. This place does have a fine scenery, though."

"... I am so sorry. I hope you didn't find my question to be intrusive."

"Nah, I get it. I also apologize for not being the most approachable fellow."

"Don't worry about it. You can continue whatever you want to do. But you don't mind if I watch over you, right? For safety's sake." She smiled.

I nodded.

"Alright. Try not to push yourself too hard, Morgan." She advised before she looked around and sat on a nearby rock to observe me without being subtle anymore.

I suppose that's enough for a break, so I carry on to exercise and ignore Mrs. Frederica's stare.

A/N: Just to clarify, this isn't the first day Morgan has started his workout.

Thank you for reading, and carry on!

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