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After a prolonged stay in Dubai, Krit returned home to a welcome from the media and his classmates. Amidst the crowd, he sought one person—his brother. Krit couldn't deny the flutter of emotions, but he was resolute in suppressing any romantic inclinations towards his brother. Restoring their relationship took precedence over personal feelings. Aware of the limitations imposed by age and the scrutinizing eyes around him, Krit was cautious not to complicate their bond. He cherished the slow realization of his dreams but recognized that his brother needed him.

As Krit dedicated himself to supporting his brother, he faced the bittersweet reality of an unrequited longing. Despite the unspoken love, he embraced the role of a supportive presence. Krit's happiness stemmed from witnessing his brother's well-being and success, even if it meant keeping his emotions hidden. Determined to fulfill his brother's needs, Krit committed to staying for the time being. However, when the moment arrived for his brother to find someone to share life with, Krit planned to step back. Yet, he would leave behind an everlasting impact, forever grateful for the role he played in his brother's life.

Krit returned home to find a messy and disarrayed house, scattered with empty alcohol bottles. Despite his weariness, he stood up and decided to clean up the chaos. Fatigue loomed over him, yet he prepared and tidied the house, showcasing his dedication. Krit cooked all the dishes that his brother often requested, pouring his effort into every detail. The house was soon ready, and the aroma of the carefully prepared food filled the air.

As hours passed, Krit awaited his brother's return, refusing to touch the dishes until Pavel arrived. He called Pavel on the secondary phone Ivan had given him during his time in Dubai. The house echoed with emptiness, but Krit held onto the anticipation of seeing his brother again. It was well past 11:00 PM when Krit heard commotion outside, where Pavel stumbled in, intoxicated, with his friends.

Krit's heart sank as he witnessed Pavel in a state of inebriation, surrounded by friends. His gaze lingered on Pavel, who seemed lost and distant. As Krit moved to reach for Pavel, he was gently pushed away, and Pavel, struggling to articulate, whispered to his friend to help him to his room. The friend exchanged glances with Krit, realizing Pavel's condition.

The scene unfolded with a mix of emotions, leaving Krit hurt, yet understanding the complexity of Pavel's struggles. In the midst of heartbreak, Krit managed a smile, acknowledging the harsh reality before him. With a heavy heart, he watched Pavel being assisted to the room, silently carrying the burden of unspoken feelings and unmet expectations.

As Pavel's friends descended, they discovered the meticulously prepared dishes by Krit, understanding the struggles he must be going through. Compassion filled them, realizing Krit had just returned from his competition and had come back to celebrate with Pavel. However, Pavel, inebriated, seemed oblivious to the moment.

Krit, taken aback, observed as Alan, one of Pavel's friends, openly expressed his hunger. Quick on his feet, Krit welcomed them to sit, promising to warm up the dishes a bit. They agreed, lending a hand to Krit. In the midst of their makeshift celebration, Michael, another friend of Pavel, spoke up, apologizing for Pavel's absence and acknowledging Krit's recent victory. They decided to raise a toast with a bottle of alcohol, celebrating Krit's triumph.

As the cheers echoed in the room, Krit, grateful for their gesture, approached them with a smile. He thanked them sincerely, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. The conversation flowed naturally, and Krit shared the highlights of his Dubai experience and the competition. Eventually, in a hushed tone, Krit revealed a bittersweet revelation.

With a quiet yet trembling voice, Krit disclosed that he received an opportunity for a scholarship in London. The catch, however, was that accepting it might mean leaving Pavel behind. He turned to Pavel's friends, vulnerability etched across his face, and confessed, "You guys might need to take care of my brother if I decide to leave." Krit's eyes, now tinged with a shade of red, hinted at the emotional turmoil within. The room fell silent, the weight of unspoken decisions lingering in the air.

Second Chance (PoohPavel)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن