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Krit's stay in Dubai extended due to his continuous victories in judo, gaining attention for interviews and making headlines on news outlets. His Archer background added a unique flavor to his story, amplifying the interest in the competition. Every day, Krit's triumphs were broadcast on the news, radio, and featured in newspapers, marking a historic achievement for his country in a major judo competition.

During his downtime, Krit dedicated himself to training, as his school had signed him on as a trainer. Despite the initial misconception that it was just a school-level competition in their country, Krit found himself facing opponents from other nations who, much like him, were students. His dominant presence and the continuous success of his competitions brought significant changes to Krit. Always donned in a black T-shirt, trousers, and sleek leather shoes with heels, Krit now exuded a more masculine and imposing aura, prompting the need to carefully manage his public image.

On the other side of the spectrum, Pavel celebrated a major success as Alex presented their collaborative project. Pavel's friends congratulated him, and Alex, in a playful manner, suggested that Krit might make it to the "Worldwide Handsome" list with his new profile showcased in the news. The profile featured Krit in his judo attire, proudly holding medals and trophies. Pavel, seemingly pleased with the changes in his brother, considered whether Krit would allow such public exposure, given his youthful appearance.

In the midst of Pavel's joy, he treated his friends to their favorite food stall. However, the celebratory mood took an unexpected turn when Pavel noticed a familiar face from his gang days. Pavel immediately stood up, alert and cautious, knowing that encounters with this particular group often spelled trouble. Despite the success and positive changes, Pavel couldn't escape the shadows of his past, and the unexpected presence of his former associates hinted at potential complications.

As Lee uttered his reassurances about keeping the promise to Pavel, the atmosphere tensed. Pavel, not tolerating the gang's presence, impulsively confronted them. However, Lee restrained his fellow gang members, preventing them from attacking Pavel and his friends who stood in the background. Pavel, with a powerful voice, demanded an explanation for the agreement between his brother and the gang.

Lee, adopting a taunting tone, revealed Krit's past encounters with the gang, particularly during the days when Krit searched for Pavel. Provoked by Lee's spiteful remarks, Krit and his gang prepared for a confrontation. Lee, asserting the gang's code, claimed that once a member left, it was tradition to beat them mercilessly, considering the survival of the departing member a stroke of luck.

In a selfless act to protect Pavel, Krit stepped forward and suggested he take the beating instead. Lee, taken aback, initially resisted, but his gang, swayed by the idea, encouraged the notion of trying something new. Krit, bracing for impact, was struck on the head with a baseball bat and subjected to a brutal beating that lasted a painful 30 minutes. Despite the severe blows, Krit shielded his face to spare Pavel from witnessing the gruesome scene.

Amidst the chaos, Krit's deep, resonant voice cut through the tension, "How cowardly and low can you be, Lee? Harming innocent passersby just to prove your twisted point. Is that the kind of person you've become?" Krit's words, laden with disdain, echoed in the alley, casting a spotlight on the dark path Lee had chosen for himself and his gang.

Krit's self-sacrifice not only shielded Pavel and the elderly couple from further harm but also underscored the stark contrast between his sense of honor and Lee's descent into callousness.

As Pavel listened to Lee's narrative, a sudden flood of memories overwhelmed him - the image of the bandage on Krit's hand when he returned home. Unaware of what transpired during his absence, Pavel grappled with the intense emotions triggered by Lee's revelations. The pain of realizing what Krit had endured in his absence struck Pavel deeply.

Driven by a surge of anger and guilt, Pavel couldn't bear the weight of abandoning Krit during the celebration. He rushed to confront Lee, delivering a powerful kick to his face and wielding a chair in his rage. Pavel's friends joined the fray, adding to the chaos that spilled into the streets. Amidst the tumult, Pavel fought fiercely, tears streaming down his face as he imagined the pain his brother had endured.

The street descended into chaos, the struggle escalating beyond control. Pavel's heartache and determination to protect Krit manifested in his every blow. The police eventually arrived, quelling the brawl and incarcerating them for a day. In the cramped jail cell, Pavel, leaning against the cold wall, clutched the bracelet Krit had given him - the first gift Krit bought with his initial earnings. Overwhelmed with sorrow, Pavel bowed his head, tears silently falling, and eventually drifted into a fitful sleep, haunted by the knowledge of his brother's suffering.

As Pavel returned home, he headed straight to Krit's room, searching for evidence of the harrowing incident. There, he discovered clothing soaked in blood, marked and stained. Pavel, overwhelmed by the sight of bloodied tissues and Krit's damaged phone, realized the extent of the brutality his brother endured. Emotions exploded within Pavel, and he collapsed, drowning in self-blame. Joining the gang was Pavel's misguided attempt to shield Krit, but in his absence, Krit became his protector. Pavel had sought to spare Krit from the harsh realities of their world, but it all unraveled.

In the depths of Pavel's remorse, he blamed himself for the events that unfolded. Having joined the gang with the intent of safeguarding Krit, he never anticipated that his brother would shield him instead. Pavel had strived to shield Krit from the world he knew, but circumstances unfolded in the very way he feared. He prayed fervently for Krit's safety, pleading for the protection of the one he loved. Unbeknownst to Pavel, Krit concealed the harsh reality from him.

Pavel remained vigilant, awaiting Krit's return, gazing outside with a determination to mend what was broken. His resolve was unwavering, even if it meant starting anew. Pavel yearned for a chance to rebuild, to ensure that the haunting past would not repeat itself. Each moment of waiting was a plea for Krit's safety, a silent prayer for the person who meant the world to him.

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