To Celebrate Ones Conception

Beginne am Anfang

Not long after, the Guardian felt himself get lighter. Finally, it is time. These thoughts, these feelings, it would return to the main body, and this instance of him would disappear... just like the one from the Grail War.

Once again, he was right. It won't matter, all of it was a lie.

He was a fool to believe so otherwise.




EMIYA stood in front of Copenhagen, the small restaurant that he has built over the years. "The hell's wrong with me?" He berated himself, it was not a time of reminiscing. Especially those memories of his.

Today was the twentieth of October. If he counted right. He started his civilian life with the age of twenty-nine, he should be forty-six by now. He still looks too young for some reason.

The man just sighed. It was best not to think too much about it right now. He needs to go home first, the sulking goes later.

Just then, he walked his way to the parking lot and opened the door to his car. With a twist of the key, the engines roared and he was ready to go.

On the road, as the car ran, EMIYA thought of the events of this week. Everything has been normal for a few days, the usual banters and customers ordering maybe a bit too much. It was... peaceful.

Until three days ago. Everyone just... started acting odd. Avoiding eye contact, acting nervous in front of him, and some even whispering behind his back.

It was like they were keeping something from him. Something they were collectively trying to keep him from knowing. But why was Rin involved?

She was also showing the same signs like them. "That kid rarely keeps secrets. What happened this time?" Suffice to say, he was irritated.

He would usually deem it not his business to pry if it was just them. But now, his daughter was involved, and he would find out what they were scheming.

A few minutes later, the car arrived at the gate of the Emiya home.

There about the house. It was dark, the lights were turned off. And he felt like he was being watched since he entered the street where their home was.

Something was wrong.

"Trace – on!" Magic circuits flared as he reinforced his body. His weapons were not out yet, but he was prepared to project at any moment.

His eyes darted from left to right. But he did not sense anything dangerous. Odd.

The bounded field was turned off as usual. Still, he could not smell anything magical from anywhere.

"What happened?" He spoke as he slowly opened the door.


Suddenly, the lights turned on. The glare made him cover his eyes for a moment. Just as he regains his sight, a collective shout was heard.





Confetti were falling from the ceiling as he saw the people in the living room. Rin and her friends were looking at him expectantly, smiling.

In the corner were his employees. They were holding gifts just like Rin's friends.

There was food on the table. Based on the line-up, it looked like it was Rin's speacialty. He knew that very well.

EMIYA was not an emotional man. He is a calm and collected man. Approaching any situation in a calculative matter.

But right now, he was stunned in awe. This was... unexpected.

Just as he gained his composure back. His daughter approached him.


Before he could speak even further. He was greeted with a tight embrace. Which he reciprocated by instinct.

As the hug lengthened in its duration, Rin spoke to him with a wide grin. "Happy birthday dad."

"H-how did you know?" He stuttered, which he rarely does in this day and age.

Rin winked. "I'd be a terrible daughter if I did not know my dad's birthday! Gotta tell you, it was pain to prepare."

A few days ago

It was lunch time at Kazakura High. Three friends were sitting in the same table doing their own things while chatting. Rin, the studious one, was chatting with her friend Mimi, the one beside Mimi was a silent girl with glasses, Kusa, whose face was practically glued to the screen.

"I just don't know what to do anymore." Rin breathed a sigh of disappointment, not to others, but to herself. She seems to have problems these past few days.

"Well, why don'cha ask him? He may talk." Mimi answered with concern on her face, these was the few instances where she takes something seriously.

"It's just... doing that ruins everything! It's a surprise for a reason. I mean, he puts October 20 in all of his personal documents. But I've never actually seen him celebrate it." Form the sound of thing, it looks like they were talking about someone's birthday. They were talking about–

"Dad's – a bit too secretive sometimes that it becomes a pain in the ass." It was EMIYA's, former counter guardian of earth, and proud single father. And he has has a knack for keeping secrets, it was almost like an impulse. "I mean, he celebrates my birthday. He even got overboard that one time so we had to give the food to the neighbors. So it's not a faith thing."

A few moments pass as they sat silently. Just then, Rin noticed that Mimi's grin started to wane.

Mimi, after exhaling, put both of her hands in Rin's shoulders. "Alright, this is ALSO becoming a pain in MY ass... and not the type of pain that I like. So what if grumpy old Shirou-san doesn't celebrate his birthday!? What of it!? Let's surprise him! We'd surprise him so much that he forgets that angry old man attitude." She berates her moping friend. Irritation and determination in her face.

"Urk-!" This staggers Rin for a bit, just then she realized. "What a minute, WE!?"

"Yep! I've got extra allowance from last month, you said you were saving for something like this, right?" The gyaru answered with a glint in her eyes. "We just need to convince four-eyes over there and we'll be done in no time!" She pointed at Kusa who was glaring at her.

The girl in glasses glared for a minute or so, before sighing in resignation. "Fine. But just this once." She remarked before exiting her game.

Mimi turned her gaze to Rin, who was contemplating their next course of action. "Well?" She asks.

Rin, for a few seconds, were contemplating her friend's suggestion. It was... not bad. "Huh, I could work with that."

Back to the present

"And that's how we made this!" Rin said enthusiastically. Her father was now sitting at the sofa, holding a pile of gifts from everyone. He was... at awe.

'They planned all of this... in three days?' He knew Rin was a genius comes to organization. He just did not know that it could go to such extent.

Before he could process it even further. The door suddenly barged open.

"Emiya-san! Happy birthday!"

Many people were entering, holding gifts and food. He recognized their faces, they were his neighbors.

One-by-one, the house was filled-up

"Shirou-san! Happy birthday!"

"Yo, Grumpy! Happy birthday!"

Everyone greeted him. Is this... happiness? He smiled, a genuine, happy, smile of appreciation.

With tears in his eyes, he spoke. "Everyone, thank you."

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