Just Chilling, Nothing Special

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Truth to be told, this fic was always dead last in my list of priorities. I like writing it, but sometime there would be distractions. Like the release of the Fate/Extra: CCC English translation a few days ago. I played the hell out of the game.

Emiya Shirou is popular with married women. Every now and then, when he leaves the restaurant at the hands of his employees. He comes home, opening his house to every mothers and wives throughout the neighborhood.

For what exactly? Is it something nefarious? Something secret? Or is it something adulterous? Well he certainly got the looks- but that's wrong, very wrong. Everything about that was wrong. Today we observe one of certified papa bear Emiya's hobbies.

The tanned man walks around his kitchen, around him were five married women. Each of them sweating for some reason. "Now, is everyone finished cleaning!?" He suddenly shouted.

"Yes Chef!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Yes Chef what!?" He asked once more, in a tone akin that of a drill sergeant.

"Yes Chef Emiya!" Each one of them replied once more, with two of them crying while cutting onions.

"Aright you pansies! Let us make something! Something so good your husbands would forget about drinking and come home early to taste your cooking! Something so legendary that your partners would propose to you a second time!" The single father yelled to his students.

"...But I'm the one who pro-" One of them audaciously raised their hand.

"Did I stutter!?" Emiya quickly cut them off.

"N-no Chef!"

"C'mon move move move! Start cutting the ingredients. Hayase! Heat up the pot! Our daughters might be friends but I do not intend on holding back!" He orders.

"Yes Chef!" The one who answered was Hayami Hayase, Mimi's mom who just recently decided to partake in Emiya's weekly cooking lessons.

Emiya turns his head to the other women in the vicinity. "You two! Start chopping the chicken, double time!"

"Alright!" They answered.

"We've got two hours left until your husbands come home, make sure to make no mistakes!"




One hour later

Emiya and his crew were done, each and every one of them come out of the Emiya household, exhausted by Emiya's Spartan-like training. His cooking lessons has helped many people improve over the years.

Well, he himself knew that he's not one of the best teachers but Rin told him to get a hobby, so he did. It's been two years since he started doing it but it's been fun. As a parent he understands the struggles of raising a child, until they grow to certain age, you would have little to no time for yourself.

He could say that he's an expert on the matter, as mature as Rin is there are still moments where she needs attention. Time flew too past for the two, it feels just like yesterday when he still drives Rin to kindergarten. Now, she's nearing her college years.

He shook his head after reminiscing of the past. No dillydallying, he needs to go to the restaurant to close it.

Emiya opens his car after locking his home. The former guardian grabs his keys and starts the family car. Its engines roared as Emiya drives it out of the garage and unto the street. And just like that, he drove his way to the restaurant.

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