To Celebrate Ones Conception

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Counter Guardian EMIYA

"Tsk. What's the point of all this wait?" EMIYA clicked his tongue. He was sitting at a rubble, looking at the gloomy sky. He was waiting for a pick-up since he just finished his mission a few minutes ago.

He looked at the sky once more. It was... cloudy. It perfectly fit the atmosphere of such ruin, and the deed that he had just done.

The Counter Guardian stood up and observed his surroundings. What he saw elicited no reaction from him.

Corpses, it littered this small village that he just destroyed. Everyone was killed, men, women... children. No one was spared from the wrath of Alaya. Her attacks dogs were encouraged to be the most brutal after all.

Most of them were unarmed. Civilians. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was not too different from his previous deployments.

Humanity's biggest enemy is itself. It was a fact that was established since the end of the age of gods.

Even without the interference of the world of mystery. Humanity were always headed to their own destruction. It was his job to not let that happen.

It was futile. As long as they exist, they will always destroy themselves. EMIYA knew that. Many wars he were deployed in, were ones that exist in the historical records. It was even uglier than the books described.

But he did not hate them. As he was not capable of doing so.

It has been long ago since he first started. His... friends, family, acquaintances – he cannot even remember their names anymore. Their voices lay faint in his mind, sooner or later, they would disappear too.

But recently, one of his other selves got summoned to a Holy Grail War, so he got vague glimpses of they actually looked like back then.

He let out a bitter chuckle. "It doesn't matter anyway, I'll probably forget about it soon." Although, he does remember something odd from one of those new memories.

'Don't worry, *******. I'll try my best from now on, too.'

"Hm, I made a useless promise again. And to her of all people." He thought to himself, how does one try their best if their best is just killing more people? He shook his head. "Good grief. What was the date again?" He asked himself, trying to distract his brain from this train of thought.

Ah yes, he remembers. "The twentieth of October. Goddammit." It was irony on so many levels. That date, it was... nothing to him any longer. But to be sent on a mission on that exact day? Alaya certainly is the unconscious will of humanity to survive. The twisted sense of humor is evidence of that.

There was once a time where that date held significance to Shirou Emiya. It was so long ago that it has lost its meaning. Each person needed to count their age, and that is not much different for Shirou Emiya. October 20 is the random date that they picked for him.

It was just a random day, a random month. Not important in any way possible.

There was once a woman that he knew, who was always insisting to him to celebrate even after Kiritsugu's death. Funny, He could only remember her toothy grin now. Even her name was forgotten. But he knew she was dear to Shirou Emiya.

He cannot exactly remember those celebrations clearly. Only that they were rowdy as hell. That woman would always end up drunk, and he would wave to scold her.

New memories come in every second as his other selves were deployed. No wonder he forgets all the time. Not that he would receive them as is, the main body does that after all.

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