Special: Merry Christmas!

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A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! As it turns out! I work pretty well under pressure! This chapter wasn't supposed to exist. I planned this to be another chapter all together. But I realized that: Hey I need to write a Christmas chapter! So I managed to speedrun this into existence!

Eight Years in Freedom

The weather is cold. Clouds covered the night sky, obstructing the stars in the process. In contrast to these, the city streets was busy, Christmas lights and decorations cover each and every establishment. The night was not as dark during the eve before Christmas. People from all over the city rushed as the buy gifts and go on dates with for and with their loved ones.

Amidst this chaos: Is a pair. A father and daughter pair, in fact. Shirou Emiya and Rin Emiya walked the city streets, the duo decided to go out for Christmas this year. The eight-year was holding tightly at her father's hand, scared to be separated.

EMIYA did the same, with so many people around them, who knows how long it would've taken if Rin got lost somewhere. The child's eyes gleamed in excitement despite the initial panic, lights everywhere, so many toys and food to choose from, she even ignored the cold for a while.

The father on the other hand, was deep in thought as to his next actions. Does he limit his budget for any requests that Rin makes, or does he let the child choose whatever she wants as long as it's not absurdly expensive?

They walked and walked up until Rin dragged EMIYA's sleeve while pointing at something. "Daddy, look!" She spoke enthusiastically.

She was pointing at a cardboard cut-out of Santa Claus with a hole to put a head in, there was a photographer standing there ready to take a picture.

"Oh? Do you want to take a picture?" EMIYA responded, immediately recognizing what the child wanted.

Rin nodded repeatedly in utter elation. "Yeah!" She said.

The father smiled as he approached the photographer. He gave a few yens and positioned himself behind the cutout, the photographer then guided Rin to stand in front of her father, which the child did so.

"Okay, say: Merry Christmas!" The photographer cheered.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" The two said in unison, smiling as the camera clicked.

The two walked away while thanking the photographer after receiving their photo. "I'm framing it." EMIYA said to his daughter.

A while later, they arrived at a department store. It was the store that EMIYA worked in a few years ago when he was still jumping from job-to-job, Rin pointed at the candy cane that was displayed at the store window so they decided to come in.

The store clerk greeted them. "Welcome, how may I hel- Shirou-san!?" She yelled.

EMIYA narrowed his eyes to the clerk, brown hair, brown eyes, kinda round face, a little bit on the petite side. "Who- Kana? You still work here?" It's his old co-worked a few years back.

"Well... I did quit, but I came back a few years later cuz I'm in a two-week suspension from office work." Kana fidgets her hand in shame. "... I threw coffee at my boss."

EMIYA raised a brow. "I'm surprised you didn't get fired."

"I said it was an accident. They pardoned me little- by the way, is that cutie there Rin-chan?" She changed the subject, noticing the young girl that was clinging to EMIYA's hand. "Last time I saw her she was still learning how to walk."

Peace at Lastحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن