Chapter- 18

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They were on their walk as they came across Seongik who was also taking a walk.  They exchanged greetings as Seongik initiated a small talk. Seongik mentioned how Jiwoo's cat (Kayden) is different. Jiwoo was tense thinking that the principal may have guessed something. However, he sighed in relief when he confirmed that Kayden's secret is still not discovered. 

Seongik tried to give Kayden cat snacks as Kayden looked at him deadpanned like he was some sort of idiot. 

Then Seongik's attention turned towards Raon who was sitting on Cale's shoulder.

"Aiya, our little Raon is out to venter huh?"

Hearing this Raon hissed towards Seongik.

[Human how dare this puny old man call this great and mighty me little]

Raon complained telepathically in vicious voice sending shivers to CAle.

'What if this little dragon got angry because old man called him little and decided to destroy the academy. No, I must not let it happen.'

"Principal, Raon is not little, he is great and mighty. Please mind your words next time."

Cale 'scolded' Seongik with a stoic face and then rubbed Raon's head to soothe out little dradon's furry. Raon purred under Cale's touched.

"Yes, yes, stupid me making mistakes. Raon is not little at all, he is the mightiest of all."

Seongik started praising Raon in a tone that is meant to coax a child. Raon puffed his chest as he preened at the compliments. 

Jiwoo and Cale felt a little funny seeing Raon's satisfied expression as he looked down on Seongik as if saying 'I shall forgive you mere mortal for your mistake this once, however, do not do such impudence in front of this mighty being again or you will not be able to bear the consequences'.

And even funnier thing was that, that's what exactly Raon was thinking. 

[Hmph, since this human has understood the mightiness of me, then I shall forgive him this time]

Raon said as he once again drown into Cale's petting.

Cale left the place still petting Raon who now was nestled in Cale's arms. 

Cale was cooking in his dorm making food for not only Raon and Choi han but also for the five uninvited guests who somehow got to know his dorm room location and came crashing down here. 

Behind him were Subin, Jiwoo, Wooin and Choi han who were watching Jisuk who was on knees give treats to Kayden as if giving some offerings to a deity.

Raon was sitting beside him watching everything with sparkling eyes.

[I should also ask electric cat to tell me how make human get on their knees and give me tasty food]

'Raon, no!!!'

Cale curse for the up tenth time thinking how to stop a baby dragon from turning into a hormonal teen. A hormonal teen dragon is not something he could handle.

Suddenly the he felt a weird unfamiliar current in the air. Kayden turned towards the direction where it came from. Choi han and Raon also became alerted as they narrowed their eyes turning towards the same direction. 

It turns out Kang Dusik has decided to visit the academy. All the teachers and the principal were tense. Choi han and Raon refused to let Cale go anywhere alone. According to them he was not powerful but still dangerous for his weak self. Cale decided not to argue and just accepted that he have lost his right to freedom under his guardian knight and his ward's gaze.

Cale made sure to avoid Dusik. Because, one, he looked like a wicked old man, two, he's not a good man and three, he's extremely ugly that it gives you the ick. Especially after he saw how he had beaten up Sucheon. 

Cale had to drag the poor boy to the infirmary and patch up his wounds. Cale looked at Sucheon who had his head down refusing to look at him at all. He even tried to fight against Cale when Cale tried to take him to infirmary. Thanks to Choi han who was right beside Cale, he wasn't that difficult to deal. And at some point Kayden also came.

Cale could see old bruises on Sucheon's body which were from long term abuse. Cale knows that powerplay among higher rankers is wild but to think that such a child was subjected to such abuse, all so that they could keep their status quo is sickening. 

He noticed how Sucheon flinched when Cale asked if this was done by his grandfather. The boy's body was trembling uncontrollably. The boy yelled at Cale to mind his own business and that his grandfather was just teaching him, it was all so that he could become strong. He even about to jump down from infirmary bed had it not been Kayden and Choi han's vicious looking eyes made his body still in fear. 

Cale didn't like how a child like Sucheon was subjected to abuse from a young age. It may have been so long since he was being abused that he thinks it's not abuse but a common occurrence. 

This also explains Sucheon's bad personality. Sucheon who was abused since young didn't know right or wrong. He didn't knew how to express himself since he was never taught to. And he choose this bursting personality and bad behavior as a way to express himself. He decided to be a jerk as a coping mechanism because that was what all he was taught all along. 

"You need love and guidance to be strong not beatings Sucheon"

Yes, he needs love and guidance of an adult to grow stronger not the abuse he gets in the name of so called 'teaching'.

"And from what I see, you're already a lot stronger than others your age. I've seen your figth with Jiwoo, you did great. However, due to Jiwoo having a certain advantage, you lost. It wasn't the first time you have lost and it won't be the last time either. There were will be times when you will be defeated, however it doesn't mean that you were weaker, it's just that the opponent was more stranger."

Hearing this Sucheon looked at Cale with some anger and confusion in his eyes.

"You're lying, I'm not capable enough. I have to get stronger to protect Baekdu and bring glory to it."

How cruel were his parents to force such expectations on a child that kept eating him from inside. Those expectations that robbed him of his happiness and childhood.

"You're enough the way you are. You don't have to rush to get stronger. You just have to enjoy your time while growing. You're still a child, it's the adults duty to keep you and the organization safe."

Sucheon's eyes started tearing up hearing these words.

"You are such a good child Sucheon, you deserve happiness. Don't let others degrade you. You are still a child, don't let those harsh words affect you. Enjoy your childhood fully, there's still a lot of time left for you to grow up. Smile and do things you love while growing at your own phase. Afterall, children should only be happy and healthy."

The words Sucheon always wanted to hear were being told by a stranger. A person who he doesn't even know is praising him, showering with such affection that he had never received from his 'family'.

Cale's gentle words gave him soo much warmth that Sucheon ended up pouring all his heart out to him. Holding onto Cale, he expressed all his grievances and sadness from all the years silently clutching onto Cale as if he had found his solace.

Cale without a word gently patted Sucheon's back. He neither soothed him or stopped him from crying, he let him cry out all the pent up things he had form all these years.

Choi han watched this with a nostalgic smile. 

"As always, Cale-nim gives hopes to everyone"

Meanwhile Kayden kept looking at Cale as he replayed Cale's words again and again. He can't tear his eyes off Cale. How could someone soo weak shine soo bright that it light's up all those people's world which are around him. 

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