setting boundaries

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Ten days had passed since the heart-to-heart conversation in the bathroom, and Aaron and Oliver found themselves sitting in the cozy living room of Aaron's home. The atmosphere between them was calm, yet tinged with a sense of purpose as they prepared to discuss an important topic: boundaries.

Aaron took a deep breath, breaking the silence that had settled between them. "Oliver, I think it's important for us to talk about boundaries," he began, his voice steady but gentle.

Oliver nodded, his expression serious as he met Aaron's gaze. "Yeah, I agree," he replied, his tone equally solemn.

They began by discussing their need for open communication, agreeing to always be honest with each other, even when it was difficult. They talked about the importance of consent, promising to always respect each other's physical and emotional boundaries.

Oliver spoke about his need for space and independence, explaining that while he valued their relationship, he also needed time alone to recharge and pursue his own interests. Aaron listened attentively, assuring Oliver that he understood and would support him in taking the time he needed.

In turn, Aaron shared his desire for affection and reassurance, admitting that he sometimes struggled with feelings of insecurity. Oliver nodded empathetically, promising to be mindful of Aaron's needs and to offer him support and affection whenever he needed it.

As they continued to talk, they found themselves opening up more and more, sharing their deepest fears, hopes, and dreams. By the end of their conversation, they felt closer than ever, secure in the knowledge that they had each other's backs and were committed to building a strong and healthy relationship together.

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