24. Percy's enemies with Erika's dad.

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ERIKA, ANNABETH AND GROVER watched Percy walk up to Ares, Erika was internally praying that whatever happens, Percy doesn't get too injured or anything, And if a fight does break out, Ares loses. Sure, that was selfish, but according to her father, She was a snake. So she is a snake then.

"Single combat!" Percy blurted out.

Ares scoffed. "What?"

"What?" The other three asked, confused by him.

"One-on-one. But I set the terms. If I draw first blood, I keep the bolt, and you surrender the helm." Percy asked as Ares started laughing like a hyena. "Do you accept?"

"I mean, it's your funeral, kid." Ares said through laughter, "Although, just to be clear, no funeral. Any trace of you leaves a trace of my plan, and we can't have that."

"It wasn't your plan, though, was it?" Erika said, looking at her father. "It was Kronos. It was his idea to frame Poseidon's kid and steal Hades's helm. And Zeus's bolt to start a war."

"What?" Annabeth asked as she nudged Grover.

"Is that where he got to you, too?" Percy asked, "Through your dreams?" As he stepped towards Ares, holding his riptide ready.

"Gods don't dream, little man..." Ares said through gritted teeth before he started yelling, "And no one tells the god of war how to start a fight. And after you die, say hi to your mommy for me."

The fight between them happened. Erika was praying internally that Percy is alright. Erika was about to summon a sword herself before Annabeth stopped her when Ares was throwing Percy on the floor. The water behind the land was rumbling a little.

"I warned you..." Percy said weakily. "If you're not careful. You'll find out who I am." Percy said, His voice recovering as he stood up. There was a huge splash that attacked Ares and threw him away. Ares got up to take his sword and was about to lunge at Percy before Percy slid his riptide against Ares's ankle.

The other three ran up to Percy to check on him if he was alright.

"And you thought you were just a kid." Annabeth said, looking at Percy. Ares started clapping slowly.

"Yay! That was so cool!" Ares said sarcastically as he stood up. "Wanna know what you really won today? An enemy for life. Congrats." By that, He started burning.

"Don't look at his true form!" Grover yelled as they looked away. After he left, they found Hades's helm.

"Percy." A voice said, and by that, Percy walked up to a house.

"Mom?" He asked as the radio was on. Percy walked up to the radio and turned it off.

"Quite something, isn't it?" Alecto asked, who had disguised her voice as Sally. "Using earthquakes to clear the skies? Lord Poseidon grows bold in his war against his king."

And by that, the other three came in. Annabeth carrying the helm and Erika holding a dagger in her hands.

"Hades sent you to retrieve it." Percy said. "That's been your quest all along." Percy took the helm from Hades and placed it on the table.

"What are you doing?" Erika asked, keeping her dagger away.

"Living up to my end of the bargain." Percy responded as he looked at Erika before looking at Alecto. "Tell Hades I expect him to do the same." He said, looking at Alecto. Alecto took the helm. "Please."

"Good luck on Olympus." Alecto said as she walked past the kids. "Perhaps there still might be a world for your mother to return to." She said, looking at Percy before she walked outside of the house.

"What does that mean, "Good luck on..." Grover asked himself before the three looked at Percy. "Dude."

"No." Annabeth added.

"I have to." Percy responded.

"What for? The quest failed. We missed the deadline." Erika said, looking at the boy.

"This is bigger than the quest." Percy said, looking at the girl who got a little bit shorter than him now. "Before we set off, Chiron told me the last was on Olympus kicked off World War II down here. We have to get Zeus to call it off. Returning the bolt is the only way I can get his attention."

"Percy, you don't want Zeus's attention." Grover said, trying to keep Percy from getting himself in trouble.

"I gotta tell him about Kronos." Percy responded, looking at Grover. "Did you see how frightened Hades was about the idea of Kronos coming back? Zeus has to know. Bringing him the bolt might be enough to get him to listen. You three gotta go to camp. Now we know who Ares and Clarisse were working for. Someone has to warn Chiron."

"He'll kill you." Erika said, looking at him. "You understand that, right?" She asked, looking at him. "Either because he still thinks you stole the bolt or because you're a forbidden kid. Zeus will never let you leave Olympus alive."

Percy scoffed softly. "I'm done running from monsters. This is too important. I have to try." Percy said.

Erika sighed, taking her sword necklace off and looking at Percy, as if she was silently asking him if she was put it on him. Percy stayed silent, too. Erika slowly stepped towards him and hung her necklace around his neck, She didn't really care about how close they were right now, although it was pretty awkward as he stared at her. "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." She said softly, putting the necklace on his neck before she backed up from him. Percy stared at the girl before Grover started speaking.

"Just for clarity, how sure are we you couldn't explain just everything in an email?" Grover asked, looking at Percy.

"Where is the glory in that?" Percy asked, his voice getting deeper than usual. It was hard for Erika to not think he was crazy.

"You're crazy, you know that, right seaweed brain?" Erika asked, looking up at Percy as the two were on their way to Olympus.

"You're not innocent too, I mean. Talking back to your father?" He remarked, looking down at the girl.

"He's Ares, I'm sure his fragile little ego wouldn't be wounded." She added, looking up at him.

"Why don't you go back to the camp?" He asked as he stopped walking to their way on the olympus. Looking down at the girl.

".... I think it's too early to reveal why." She responded softly before she cleared her throat. "Now come on, I wanna see you beat his butt." She said, grabbing his hand as she continued walking.

"Whatever, War girl."

"Shut up, seaweed boy."

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