Chapter 7

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As the race unfolded before my lens, I couldn't shake the conversation with Oscar from my mind.

The familiar roar of engines and the adrenaline-fueled atmosphere faded into the background as my thoughts drifted towards the unexpected vulnerability Oscar had shared.

Capturing the intensity of each turn and every overtake, I began to form a new perspective.

Despite our history of clashes and mutual dislike, a seed of doubt crept into my mind, questioning if perhaps there was more to Oscar than our past encounters had revealed.

I found myself ruminating on the possibility of giving Oscar a chance at friendship, a notion that seemed both daunting and strangely appealing.

The idea of bridging the divide between us, of setting aside old grievances in favor of a new understanding, tugged at my conscience.

As the race neared its climax, Iris made a promise to herself to explore this uncharted territory, to see if beneath the surface of rivalry lay the potential for a genuine connection

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As the race neared its climax, Iris made a promise to herself to explore this uncharted territory, to see if beneath the surface of rivalry lay the potential for a genuine connection.

The notion of extending an olive branch to Oscar, of forging a bond, lingered in her thoughts like a persistent whisper of possibility.

In that moment, amidst the blur of speed and competition, Iris made a silent vow to consider the prospect of friendship with Oscar, a choice that had the potential to transform not just their dynamic but also her own outlook on the complexities of relationships in the high-stakes world of Formula 1.

Iris watched as Oscar crossed the finish line outside the points, her heart heavy with empathy for his struggles despite the numerous restarts.

Determined to reach out to him and offer support in his time of disappointment, she made her way through the bustling post-race paddock to find him.

Approaching Oscar with a small, understanding smile, Iris spoke softly, "Oscar, are you okay? I know you would've tried your best"

Oscar's response was sharp and edged with hostility, "What are you doing, Iris? More pity? I don't need it from you."

Surprised by his reaction, but undeterred, Iris persisted, "I'm not here to pity you, Oscar. I just thought you might need someone to talk to after a tough race."

Oscar's tone was dismissive as he retorted, "I don't need your sympathy or your attention. We both know where we stand, so why pretend otherwise?"

Feeling the weight of their strained history bearing down on her, Iris took a deep breath before responding, "I understand if you feel that way, Oscar. But I'm genuinely here to offer support."

Oscar's expression remained hardened, his words laced with bitterness, "Save it, Iris. I don't need your help, especially not now. Just leave me alone."

RHYTHM OF THE RACE | Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now