Chapter 3

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As the conversation with Lando flowed effortlessly, a sense of unease lingered in the back of my mind, a persistent whisper of caution urging me to tread carefully in this newfound friendship.
With each shared laugh and exchanged story, the bond between us deepened, blurring the lines between my carefully crafted personas as "Gaia" and the anonymous F1 track photographer known to a select few.

I started feeling anxious about Lando's growing curiosity towards me.
The weight of my hidden truth burdened me. Quickly, I made an excuse about an early start tomorrow and said my goodbyes.
As I navigated the unfamiliar streets of the Sakhir, anxiety settled over me.
What if he finds out?

Alone in my hotel room, the laptop's glow filling the space, I wrestled with a mix of emotions. Sorting through race photos, the weight of my choices hit me.
With a heavy heart, I promised to safeguard my secret and maintain the delicate balance between my two worlds.

The golden rays of the Saudi Arabian sun bathed the bustling F1 paddock in a warm glow, signaling the start of another thrilling race day

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The golden rays of the Saudi Arabian sun bathed the bustling F1 paddock in a warm glow, signaling the start of another thrilling race day. Lost in the midst of capturing the energy and excitement that permeated the air, I navigated through the crowd with my camera in hand, each click of the shutter a testament to the vibrant world of motorsport unfolding before me.

As I weaved through the maze of team trailers, a sudden collision sent a jolt of surprise through me.
Turning to face the source of the impact, I found myself face to face with Lando Norris, his gaze locking with mine in a moment of shared recognition.
A faint flicker of realization passed through his eyes, an unspoken connection hanging between us as he greeted me with a friendly smile.

"Hey there Iris, You gotta be careful. Don't want to break the money maker" Lando said pointing at my camera, his voice tinged with a hint of intrigue.

I felt nervous when I heard my name, sensing the unsaid truths hanging heavy in the air between us.
To everyone, I was just Iris, the quiet photographer.
I started to worry that Lando saw through my mask with his sharp eyes, making me uneasy.

 I started to worry that Lando saw through my mask with his sharp eyes, making me uneasy

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RHYTHM OF THE RACE | Oscar PiastriWhere stories live. Discover now