Chapter Thirty-Nine: Cornfield Crossroads

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Hazel tilted her head, "For someone unconvinced, you seem awfully determined to hunt me down," she pointed out. "Sounds like you're taking it quite seriously. What is the point of you all going to this length if it is not true?"

"Perhaps we're just eager to expose the truth," Eve retorted sharply.

Hazel's stomach twisted. Doubt clouded her thoughts. How could they possibly know? Had she somehow given it away? Did others think the same? Caleb and Eve lacked any concrete evidence, especially amid the Hunger Games. Unless, of course, they hoped to coerce her into an admission, a tactic to which she would never succumb. She would sooner meet her end than confess to any deception involving Snow. The consequences could be catastrophic, especially for Silus or her family if they decided to make an example out of them. Not that she had much choice in the matter. 

Silus watched Hazel, his expression unreadable as she looked at him across the field and he took several careful steps in her direction. "She is baiting you," he warned. Hazel almost prayed he was right and that it was all just a bluff, a way to antagonize her. 

Eve shot back, glancing towards Silus with a smirk before looking up at the arena sky, "He can't save you."

Hazel was unsure which "he" Eve was referring to, but in the end, it really didn't matter. Her own gaze lifted to the top of the arena, urging herself silently, Sell it, Hazel. "Not that you would know anything about it, but underestimating the lengths we will go to for the ones we love is a mistake," she murmured, her voice laced with a warning. "Perhaps you should reconsider before disparaging our Senator. It might not seem so laughable when all is said and done."

"Tough words for someone holding a bargaining chip she won't use," Eve taunted, locking eyes with Hazel. "We all know you're too soft to actually do anything," she continued, her tone mocking as she nodded toward Grace.

Silus's low murmur drew Hazel's attention, and she met his gaze, her resolve unshaken. "Come on, we need to leave. She's stalling, Haze," he cautioned.

Hazel's gaze sharpened as it locked onto Eve, her grip tightening around Grace's trembling form.

Grace's voice quivered as she pleaded with Hazel, her words barely audible over the tension.

"Hazel, it's not what it seems," she implored, desperation coloring her tone. "We could align with you and your group."

Eve's sneer cut through the air, brimming with confidence as she dismissed Grace. "As if she has anything worthwhile to offer," she scoffed, anticipation clear in her demeanor as she awaited the arrival of her allies.

Hazel's breath caught as she leaned closer to Grace, her words a whispered confession tinged with uncertainty. "I made the mistake of letting you go before... and you still went back to help them... you hurt my brother."

"I didn't mean to...." Grace's voice faltered.

Eve's laughter drowned out Grace's words. "Empty promises from a cornered rat," she taunted.

"I wish I could explain it," Grace murmured, ignoring Eve, her voice barely above a whisper. "I wish I could help you understand why..."

 "Shut up, nine," Eve spat out, her tone dripping with contempt.

Hazel's heart pounded with conflicting emotions at Grace's plea. A nagging sense of something larger at play gnawed at her instincts. "You are on their side," Hazel stated firmly, though uncertainty clouded her logic.

Even without seeing Grace's face, Hazel sensed the tension in her body, the calculated calm in her voice, "I swear, I had no..." Grace's voice was cut off by a loud cry escaping her lips, followed by a deep gurgling sound. A shriek from Ruby caused Hazel to jerk and she pulled the sickle away from Grace. As she looked down over Grace's shoulder, Hazel saw one of Eve's knives embedded in her chest, just above her heart. Thick burgundy blood was pooling around the blade and Grace began to go limp in Hazel's arms as she moaned.

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