Chapter 3 The Unsettling

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My vision was blurry, but I could tell I wasn't on the The Going Merry anymore. I was on some other ship, the wood was dark, and the railings reached high making me feel trapped. Rain crashed down upon the deck, making it slick where you stepped. Then, looking up I saw a ginormous mast with a pirate flag.

The flag was a skull, with a red snake wrapping around the white bone. The snake was biting into the head of the skull, making a shiver go down my spine. The ship spoke volumes as it felt like some sort of prison, the dark black wood only added to its theme which coated the entirety of the ship.
The sound of footsteps then echoed behind me, and I wasn't alone anymore.

Turning around as fast as I could; sword unsheathed I was met with a tall cloaked man.
Thunder crashed down on the deck, lighting up the masked man's face. Revealing a tan face with black bandage surrounding his mouth, just leaving me to see a scar streaking across the man's cheek- showcasing his cold black eyes.

"Where do you think you're going?" The man said lowly, grabbing something out of his coat, making a slight clinking noise. I froze for some reason, I was so afraid, I couldn't respond. Or move.

I began to back away as he drew closer, even though my weapon was drawn. Why wasn't I fighting back? Why am I so scared?

"Don't come any closer!" I weakly threatened, holding up my black blade. I continued to back away towards the railing. Footsteps then thundered from the inside of the ship, supposedly the man's crew. Which I knew somehow, and I knew they were coming for me.

"Azyaela, listen to me and come here!" The man shouted, making me shrink further into the railing. His voice was horrifying, and the chains that now wrapped and covered his hands, made me feel numb, and hopeless.

"Don't do this." He warned, stalking closer.

I flinched again and continued to back away, sweeping across the railing as he followed. His dark eyes narrowed at what I was to do. He watched as my hand reached to the railing, but before I could jump off into the raging ocean below a brown whip wrapped around my side and I was thrown to the deck sent skidding across the slippery wood.

"Mal-! Dont!"

Sliding and rolling across the wood I finally slammed into the other side of the ship, leaving the air knocked out of me. I weakly looked over to the person who tossed me aside, and they were just as threatening as the man, but it was a woman.

"You know better than this, Red." The woman sneered, with long hanging braids, and dark tanned skin. She had piercing green eyes that could kill a man, almost as if she were a serpent.

I tried to get up from my position but a cough escaped my lips, but I continued to push it. Slowly getting up from my position I noticed him and his crew sidetracked from me, though I could feel that woman's glare lingering.

She seemed to know me, and I seemed to know her, but I felt betrayed. Sick to my stomach, at what she'd done, but why? Why do I feel this way?

Another cough escaped my lips and I stumbled forward falling on my knees to the floor, blood escaping my lips.

"Captain! An admiral and the Marines are on their way!" A pirate yelled to the black-clothed man.

"Dammit, starboard now! We'll reach cover in the rocky coves!" The man shouted towards his crew, he then began to storm straight towards me with a black hue.

"I don't have fucking time for this!" I heard him snap, reaching for me. I flinched and only could watch as the man approached me with thickening
air. My vision grew foggy once more, and soon a black fog coated my vision and I grew motionless. I felt terrified, of the dark, the man- I felt like I was suffocating. I couldn't breathe- I can't breathe why can't I breathe!?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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