Chapter 1 Strange Occurences

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The water grew heavy, and so did my eyes. They threatened to close every second, but I won't let them. My battered body leans up against a piece of wood soon to fall apart. The waves thrash me back in forth, almost knocking me into the depths below.

I don't want this. I hate this. I feel so powerless. Nothings in my control, I can't even move my body- or I'll be long gone in the bottomless depths of the sea in an instant.

I hate feeling helpless.

And it feels like hours pass, yet I'm still drifting on this damned piece of wood.

The drenching cold rain, being fully submerged in this endless sea, takes a toll. I'm being drained of any energy I have left. And It's suffocating, once again my mind grows foggier.
I hear muffled noises and the sounds of yelling above me, covered in gray clouds and steep-less waves. I could just barely see something moving ahead of me, but I was still too groggy to tell.

The unknown vessel was closer now, and I could hear clearer voices ahead of me.

"Hey! There's someone in the water!!"


"Are they alive?"

"Yeah, and they're holding onto something!"

"Well bring em' up!"

"On it."

As the order was made, someone jumped off the boat and dived into the stormy ocean below. A green-haired swordsman was making his way over to this mysterious person. And, now that he was closer, he could make out a red-haired woman lying across some battered wood.

Zoro was now an arm's length away from the woman, and she was letting go. Before she could sink in the water further he grabbed her torso and pulled her to the surface.

"Hey, it's a woman!"

"Hurry up and bring her back Marimo!"

Zoro rolled his eyes at his crew's muffled hollers and swam towards the ship, with the woman close beside him. He could feel her shiver and stir, and couldn't help but glance over her. She was covered in soaked bandages, already bloodied and torn- what clothes she had on clung to her like a second skin.

She must've been in some battle, and went adrift out here, for days on end too. But, it's the Grand-line who knows what could've happened.

The swordsman was now approaching the Going Merry. "Drop me a rope!" He hollered grabbing onto the Merry, seconds later there was a rope flying straight at him hitting him across the head.

"There you go moss-head! Now hurry up!" a certain blonde man said. A tick mark appeared on the swordsman's head. "Stupid cook." He muttered looking up to the crew's chef.

"Stop arguing and get her up here! Chopper needs to check up on her!" An orange-haired navigator shouted, interrupting the two. "Who is it?! Who is it?!" Their straw hat-wearing captain asked excitedly.

"Like we know!" A certain sniper responded looking down as he quickly helped Sanji pull him up.

"Hey, what if it's a marine?!" He gasped, with a sudden amount of dramatic realization, pausing before he continued to pull the rope.

"We don't know anything for sure- but let's not worry about it right now." A navigator huffed.

"Just shut up, and help me get her up! This water is fucking freezing!" The swordsman yelled.


A few days had now passed since the Straw Hat's strange occurrence with the sudden guest, the injured woman still hadn't woken up making them wonder if she'd wake up at all. But Chopper said she'd wake up any day, which made the crew wait in uncertainty, yet ever-living curiosity.

Vitality (One Piece x Zoro x Oc)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu