Chapter 2. It's Nice To Have Friends

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It's the next day and it's school. I wonder if Lauren goes to Alamitos Middle, just maybe. I wake up early and text Lauren (yes, I have her phone number now.)


hey quick question do u
go to alamitos middle?


(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ yes


(•̀ᴗ•́)و"" cool!

Emoticons are so useful. Anyway, I go to her unit and knock. When she comes out, she's ready to go. She's wearing a yellow cropped sweater and jeans. She has a galaxy backpack. If you care to know, I'm wearing a blue tie-dye shirt and green pants. I have a purple backpack.
We dash down the stairs because we're a bit late. The school is luckily only a couple blocks away. We talk.
"So... who's your home room teacher?" I ask.
"Mrs. Wang. You?"
"Ms. Farrow."
"Ohh, she's the 9th grade English teacher, right?"
We continue in silence. I notice her bracelets. Oh gosh, they're beautiful. Blue plastic 1989, pink sparkly resin Lover, earthy clay Evermore, and starry Midnights.
"Oh my god, I love your bracelets! Did you make them?"
"Yes! They sell them, but I don't wanna support The Man, am I right?"
"Haha, totally."
We *finally* reach school. I see some of my friends and wave. We walk over and I introduce Lauren.
"This is Lauren, she lives in my apartment!"
"Hi!" She says, shyly.
One of my friends, Kartha, shouts "NICE TO MEET YOU!". She's white, and has a long face, long straight blond hair, and blue eyes. She's wearing gold earrings, a white tank top, blue pants, and white sneakers. She's a loud person.
Another friend, Macy, says "Hey." coolly. That's totally Macy. She has shoulder length red hair (dyed green), freckles, brown eyes, and is wearing a black flannel shirt, black jeans, and Converse.
I hope Lauren doesn't feel too intimidated by them.

At lunch

I enter the cafeteria and find my table. Most of the school call it the "Cool Non-Cliquey Table", whereas the table where Catelyn (my mortal enemy) would sit is the "Trendy Cliquey Table". Our group is combination of: Artsy Kids, Aesthetic Girls, Queer Kids, Band Kids, Theatre Kids, and basically anyone nice & nerdy.
It's pizza day so I get a slice and a cup of green Jello. Grr.. Madison got a bento box and a butterscotch cookie... welp hopefully that'll be me someday!
I sit down and wave Lauren over.
"So! What kind of stuff do you like, Lauren?" Kartha asks.
"I like Taylor Swi——"
"OMG REALLY!? You'll be BEST FRIENDS with Minji for sure!"
A classic Kartha move.
"Ah, haha. I also like Beabadoobee, NewJeans, and other stuff."
"Ok. Minji! We should do the questionnaire thingy on Lauren!" Kartha says loudly.
"Sure, fine."
"Um, ok."
Kartha pulls out an extra notebook and flips through.
"Favorite movie?"
"My Neighbor Totoro."
"Favorite show?"
"Favorite food?"
"Tonkotsu ramen."
"Favorite song?"
"Invisible String."
"Favorite flower?"
"Favorite bubble tea?"
"Medium size taro milk (black tea), 75% sweetness, 100% ice, with coffee jelly and honey boba."
"Wow." we all say in unison.
We don't say anything for a bit.
Kartha breaks the silence like usual and says "Wow, I would just say milk tea with boba!" I give her a slight evil eye.
Another friend sitting at the end of the table, Joselyn, shouts from afar, "That's cool!" She has long brown hair and bangs, a green shirt, and a lot of necklaces. Poor Joselyn, she's always sitting far-away and has to yell over the din of the cafeteria to have a conversation with us.
"Hey Minj, lookit this," Macy shows me a picture on her phone.
It says that all of Taylor Swift's monthly listeners on Spotify get a 30% discount on Eras Tour tickets. UM.
THAT'S LIKE... $165 compared to $275. "Lauren! Big news!" I say, still frozen in shock. "What."
"There's a 30% discount on Eras Tour tickets!"
"Oh my god. Woah," Her eyes are very wide. "Uh. We have to go, then! Where's the nearest one?"
"I think it's ... Tokyo..." We live in California.
"Well, double hooray!!" I've always wanted to go to Japan and my birthday is coming up and my parents said that they're willing to travel to celebrate!" Woah. This might actually happen.
"Well, can I come? Just kidding, I don't wanna." Kartha says. Ugh. KARTHA.
"You guys are so weird." Macy says, scrolling TikTok.
"Takes one to know one." I say with a wink.

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