Chapter 4: Keep advocating

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Authors note: sorry haven't posted in a bit, i've been a little busy but i'm back! i'm hoping my next post will be about the twins!! Idk yet but that's the plan. Hope you enjoy the chapter!


Nicks pov:

The principal sighs when charlie says we have names.

Fucking bitch.

Principal: "alright come back in"

The three of us sit down in front of this balding fuckhead.

Principal: "well? who was it?"

Colette: "umm... david lance, calvin robbins, adam brown, and lewis..."

Principal: "lewis what?"

he rolls his eyes. i'm about to lose my shit😃

Nick: "she's been through a lot, can you give her a second?"

He sighs again and starts to tap his fingers in the desk.

Colette: "Hope! Lewis Hope!"

I stop breathing and i can tell charlie does too. I grab his hand and he squeezes mine.

Principal: "Alright i'll call their parents in if Colette, you want to head to class and you guys can do run an errand and come back?"

Nick: "I'm not sending my daughter back to class with those boys, we will be taking her with us, thank you"

Principal: "Yeah okay, be back by about 9:30 please"

Charlie: "We will be!"

He stays with a sigh and leads colette out of the office.

(In the car)

Colette: "You guys are acting weird about the last name. Do you know the parents?"

Nick: "damn already asking questions"

Colette: "please dad i'm not a dumbass"

Charlie: "yes honey, we *knew* the one parent"

Colette: "how?"

I can tell charlie is getting more nervous, he starts bouncing his leg. To try and comfort him i place my hand on his thigh.

Nick: "Maybe later honey, okay? For right now let's go to starbucks and the grocery store"

I say while looking in the rearview mirror.

(sorry idk what to here but they are back at school in the office)

Charlie's pov:

As we sit in the office with colette with one of the other boy and his parents, colette moves closer to me. She pulls her phone out and starts typing something out, when she finishes turns her phone towards me.

It reads, "That's calvin, he's the one that slapped my ass"

I give her a side hug and rub her arm. She flips the screen for nick to see and he buries his knuckles into his palms.

(After a few more minutes)

The other parents come in, including ben...

I look at nick and he gives both the kids and ben *the* look. Then, looked back at me with a smile.

God he's such a golden retriever.

Secretary: "If you all are here, you can go back to see him"

We all stand up and walk back. Nick and i let the others go first, putting colette between us.

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