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"So I'm crying, yeah, I'm dying, you're not next to me tonight"

"So I'm crying, yeah, I'm dying, you're not next to me tonight"

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❀˖°Isagi was practically fuming. But he decided to draw the line when Kaiser and Kelly about to kiss. He stood up and walked towards the two.

He grabbed Kaiser by the collar and punched him in the face. The German fell back against the couch upon impact. "What the hell?!" The blond exclaimed.

Isagi grabbed him by the collar again, reeling his fist back. The door opened at the moment. Shidou walked in with (Y/n) by his side.

"...(Y/n)?" Kaiser mumbled. Isagi refused to look at her as he punched her "boyfriend's" face again. "Fuck you, Kaiser! You know you had (Y/n) so why'd you downgrade to such a bitch?!" He scoffed.

"She's not yours so why do you even give a shit?!" Kaiser argued back. "She's not yours either!" The blue haired man yelled.

Silence filled over the whole house. (Y/n) looked at the scene. "I told you it was a fucking bad idea!" She exclaimed before running out. Directed at Shidou but also at Kaiser at the same time.

"(Y/n)!" Isagi and Kaiser yelled in unison. But Shidou was the one to run after her.


"California girl's we're unforgettable!" Shidou sang with the radio turned up all the way. The car he drove practically trembled.

(Y/n) was leaned against the window in the passenger seat. A serious look on her face."I forgot where you live." The idiotic driver stated.

"Pfft-" A small life escaped her expression. Shidou smiled as he glanced over at her. "Can't believe Kaiser fumbled someone like you," Shidou laughed.

"Well I can't believe he got hit by Isagi," (Y/n) said, an amused expression on her face. Shidou chuckled at her statement. "Didn't know that guy had it in him."


Loud knocks were heard at (Y/n)'s door. Again..."Why does everyone know where I live?" She sighed.

Kaiser stood with a bloodied nose staring at her. His blue eyes piercing through her. "Let's talk." He said, pushing the door open and walking inside her apartment.

"I have something to say as well," She added. "Let's stop this, Kaiser, we can go out separate ways. You like her and it's obvious," (Y/n) continued.

"But I-" "We don't have to pretend anymore, Kaiser." She cut him off. She grasped the door handle to lead him out. Kaiser slammed the door back closed and flipped her around.

"I'm madly in love with you,
even if our love is fake."

He confessed. But to her his words were nothing but a lie. She felt like a bug in a pile of honey. It was always better to catch them in honey than vinegar.

"Oh fuck off, Kaiser, we all know that's a lie," (Y/n) scoffed. Her back was pressed against the door as he was only inches away from her. Her arms crossed as she looked at him in annoyance.

"It's not a lie. I'm also tired of pretending," Kaiser said. "You would make out with another girl though, right? Is that how much you 'love' me?"She questioned, a harsh tone in her voice.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). Truly. I thought it was what I wanted but I know it's not. I want you, (Y/n). Love is too weak of a word to describe what I feel for you," He frowned. (Y/n) shook her head on disappointment.

"Why me, Kaiser...You had so many other options so why'd you fucking choose me?!" She exclaimed. Tears started welling up in her eyes.

His eyes were full of sorrow and guilt. "I love you, (Y/n)."

"I would never fall in love with someone like you. Someone who plays with people's feelings," She scoffed. (Y/n) opened the door and signaled him to leave.

"Just go, Kaiser..."

Happy birthday to you

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Happy birthday to you

Plastic Roses: M. KaiserWhere stories live. Discover now