Chapter 1: A new threat?

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Years have passed, and in the time so much had happened. 
The best part was the peace during this time. 
Not that it stopped Sibella and her family; #17, Raaz and Lazuli continued to train and use their powers more or less on a daily basis. 

Even little Zane was getting in on the action, granted he was nearly 5 - but that didn't stop him. 
He was the missing puzzle piece of the family, everything was complete. 
2 beautiful, strong girls and an adorable little boy,  #17 was one proud father. 

Zane was a charming little boy, he dearly loved his mother the most and enjoyed always being with her. 
Especially after she has freshly baked goods on the counter. 

Because they all lived quite far from everyone, the girls attended school locally and couldn't get to see the rest of their friends as often. It was a little struggle as they had to continue to keep their powers under wraps, which is why Sibella didn't have any restrictions on their powers at home. 

Until, this one day...a very unexpected event would occur, surprising everyone and bringing the Z fighters together again. 

It was a lovely sunny day, the children were playing outside and #17 was scouting the area. 
Sibella however was fairly busy working herself. 
Over the years she had become an incredibly sought after cake baker and artist. Both her sweet and savoury treats were wanted from near and far. 
So she was never short of clients, Mr Satan and Buu being her biggest clients- mostly Buu.

After finishing an order Sibella additionally baked some Gingerbread cookies for the children.
While they were cooling she went outside to check on the children, her heart swelled with pride seeing them sparring together. 
Well the girls were, Zane was floating several feet in the air with his little legs crossed watching his sisters. 

"Awh, that's my babies" she beamed. 

She then smirked and called out to the kids. 

"Oh children" she playfully said. 

The kids immediately stopped and turned to face her, confused. 
With that same smirk she powered up to SSJ2.

"Let's go, which one of you can land a punch on me?" she teased. 

Raaz and Lazuli smiled as they powered up to SSJ also.
Little Zane got excited and joined his sisters while they tried to attack their mother. 
Sadly he hadn't quite learned how to transform yet, but there was plenty of time for that. 

As the sparring continued, Sibella was able to block all the attacks.
But the girls were doing well, Zane even tried his best to get a few hits in, but mostly stayed back to take it all in. 

Suddenly there was a spark of energy, Sibella could feel it, it was so strange. 
It distracted her to a point that she stopped defending herself. 
Leaving herself open, the girls kicked her in the chest together, then Zane emerged and headbutted her in the stomach, sending her flaying several feet away.

"Ooops..."Raaz whispered.
"Ow" Sibella groaned and gradually stood up- still distracted. 
"Mom, something wrong?" Lazuli asked, concerned. 
"Um, I'm not sure, something is coming...I'm not sure what, but it's a strong energy..." she replied. 

Zane floated over and sat on Sibella's shoulder.

"Sorry mummy" he said and rest his head on hers.
"No, no it's fine baby-"

Sibella turned around to see #17.

"Can you feel that?" she asked him.
"A little...?" the twins replied. 

Zane simply shook his head.

"Yeah, faint, but strong" he responded. 

Sibella took Zane off her shoulders and snuggled him.

"I'm going to Kami's lookout, kids, I made some Gingerbread, go have some, I'll be back soon" Sibella instructed and handed Zane to #17.
"Mom, can't we come?" Raaz pleaded. 
"I'd rather you stay here until we know what's coming" Sibella explained. 

Not happy with the response, the girls went back to the house.

"I'll be back soon" Sibella said and kissed #17 sweetly. 

Using her Instant Transmission she sped to Kami's lookout. 
Upon arrival, she oddly couldn't see anyone around. 

"Dende! Hello, anyone here?" she called out and began walking towards the building. 
"Hello, anyone home?" she called out again.

Just then Dende came running from the side of the building. 

"Sibella" he panted. 
"No time for small talk, tell me you can feel that energy?" she abruptly asked. 
"Yes, I can, I'm not entirely sure, but it feels like 2- maybe 3 energies" Dende explained.
"3?!" she shouted. 

Just then Piccolo flew over from inside. 

"Piccolo, any idea what's coming?" Sibella asked. 
"No" he replied. 
"We better see what it is, how long have we got?" Sibella asked. 
"Maybe I can help" said a voice- it was King Kai. 
"King Kai, hello- can you tell us anything?" Sibella asked. 

There was a brief silence. 

"It appears to be 3 space pods, I can't quite see who they are, they are moving kinda fast, but they are landing in some fields south west of your location. They should arrive in 10 minutes" King Kai explained. 

"Thank you King Kai, can you please do us another favour, can you ask Vegeta and Goku to meet us there" Piccolo asked. 
"I'm not a telephone service!"
"Please Sir" Sibella asked. 
"Oh, fine, luckily Goku is here anyway, he'll meet you there" King Kai replied. 
"Huh...he must be training, surprised Chi-chi let him" Sibella commented. 
"Let's go!" Piccolo said. 

With that they took to the sky heading to the location Kind Kai said. 

"Space pods, what the hell could possibly be coming this way?" Sibella asked.
"Well whatever it is, we need to be ready for anything" Piccolo replied.

In littl4e time they arrived, but all they could do was wait. 

"How are your kids?" Piccolo asked, breaking the nervous silence. 
"Great, getting stronger everyday. Zane recently learned to fly, he's trying to train with his sisters" she smiled. 

Just then Goku appeared. 

"Kakarott, about time" Sibella scoffed.
"Hey guys, long time no see, this is exciting, I wonder what's coming,  I've been dying for a good challenge!" Goku enthused. 

Sibella rolled her eyes. 

"Nice to see the potential significance of this event isn't lost on you" Piccolo added.
"Well, it's been too quiet around here, finally we have some excitement" Goku almost yelled. 

Suddenly a blue flash appeared in the sky and rapidly landed before them.

"Nice to see you V" Sibella smiled. 

Vegeta had finally joined them too, all ready in his Saiyan Armor. 

"Intel" he asked. 
"There's 3 of them, that's the extend of our knowledge-"Sibella was suddenly interrupted. 

The force of the oncoming energies were fast approaching, then there it was in the sky, plummeting down to Earth. 
With 3 outrageous, thunderous eruptions, they crashed to the ground a couple miles from where they all were. 

"Come on guys!" Goku enthused as he raced off. 

Sibella sighed and followed with Piccolo and Vegeta right behind her.
The craters left by the pods were massive, and the pods looked familiar. 

"Wow, the power from these guys are amazing, I haven't felt something like that for a while" Goku giggled. 

The door then slowly opened up, and everyone stood ready.
With rapid speed 3 streaks of blue light shot up from the craters and landed behind the Z fighters. 

They all spun around to see 2 men and a woman, all dressed in classic Saiyan Armor, with tails wrapped around their waists, and to top it all off...scouters on their eyes. 

"W...who...?" Sibella stuttered. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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