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[I Need A Doctor]
[Chapter Five]

"And the killings didn't happen until he showed up"


Y/n pulled up to where they would be meeting the rest but didn't get much time to say anything before his phone began ringing. "We know who that is..." Y/n chuckled as he pulled the device out of his pocket. "Go on, I'll catch up," He turned to Sam, grabbing her as she turned to the door and pulling her close to him. "Love you," Y/n muttered before giving her a quick kiss, watching a smile spread across her lips. "What?"

"It's just so nice to hear you say that again," She shrugged before giving him another chased kiss. "Love you too," Sam responded before getting out of the car and making her way to the group in the distance.

"Hello," Y/n muttered as he answered the device.

"Y/n," Sidney's voice greeted from the other side.

"That's my name," He chimed as he fiddled with the car's radio. "What can I do for you? Dear sister?" He said in an obnoxious British accent.

"You sound awfully calm for someone who is in the same place as a masked killer..." Sidney hummed from the other end of the call.

"I deal with dead people all the time," Y/n let out a sigh as he spoke, looking around outside the window. "What's up?"

"I'm just calling to find out how things are," Sidney said but Y/n could hear it in her voice that she had something else she wanted to talk about.

"I'm fine, Sid..." Y/n said, resting his head against his seat as he closed his eyes. "Work is going to be chaotic at the new hospital, I looked at my team's folders and they seem promising," He explained.

"Still not a big fan of training people?" Sidney let out a nervous laugh from her end.

"Of course not but it does sound fun," Y/n laughed as he shook his head. "How's things with you? How's Mark and the kids?" He asked, turning his head to look at the group in the distance, he could see Mindy walking back and forth.

"Everything's quiet," Sidney paused for a moment. "The kids wanna know when are they going to see their uncle again?" She asked and Y/n knew exactly what she was doing with that question which just made him chuckle.

"Well, I just need to settle in, get used to the hospital and as soon as I have some free time then I can come visit again," He explained.

"Have you spoken to Gale?" Sidney asked and was met with silence filling the call, the light buzzing in the background being the only thing that could be heard. "Y/n..."

"I don't care, Sid..." Y/n growled as he tightened his grip on the steering wheel. "Cared so much but the moment she could profit from Uncle Dewey's death, she didn't even think twice, I'm not doing this again..."

"I understand," Sidney let out a defeated sight. "I'm just worried about you, I don't want anything to happen to you," She explained and Y/n could hear the pain in her voice.

"And nothing will, Sid... I'm not going anywhere just yet," Y/n chuckled as he shook his head. "You aren't going to get rid of me that easy," He added, hearing Sidney laugh softly from her end. "Listen, Sid, I gotta go, I'll call you later."

"Sure," Sidney said. "Try not to die, alright? Love you."

"Love you too, Sis," Y/n chuckled before the line went dead and he sat there in complete silence for a moment before letting out a sigh, climbing out of the car and heading over to the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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