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[I Need A Doctor]
[Chapter Four]

"Oh, but being full of crap is?"



"We're not doing this again... Get the hell out of that town now!" Sidney yelled over the phone as Y/n sat in the darkened conference room with his phone to his ear.

"Sid?" Y/n's brows furrowed. "What are you talking about?" He asked as he leaned back in his seat.

"I heard about the Ghostface attacks and you aren't staying there, me and the family are also moving somewhere safer," Sidney explained and Y/n felt his confusion only grow as he listened to his sister.

"How did you know?"

"Gale let me know..." Sidney explained and the room went dead quiet. "Y/n listen, I know what she did wasn't right..."

"Wasn't right?!" Y/n snapped as he stood up. "She painted Samantha out to be a deranged daughter of a murderer, there is absolutely nothing that classifies as 'Not right', it was pathetic," He growled as he began pacing back and forth. "And yet you're willing to listen to her? After what she had to say about Tara?"

"This is about a killer..."

"This is about a woman who called herself my aunt and yet she turned what happened over for profit!!! My uncle's death was nothing but some dollars in her bank account!!!" He roared. "You were stabbed, Tara was attacked and Samantha was on the verge of death but she decided that writing that book was more important so no! I will not listen to anything that has to do with Gale Weathers..."

"Well, this is about a killer..."

"That Gale told you about so bye, Sid... I'll talk to you later," Y/n growled before ending the call and throwing the device on the table and dropping back into his seat, burying his face in his hands as he tried to calm down.

"If it isn't Prescott Lite," A voice called out to the young doctor, bringing his attention back to the current situation as he looked at a familiar face.

"Oh, no... Not you..." Y/n groaned as he looked at Kirby, who in return just rolled her eyes and sat down on the chair in front of Y/n. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a smile.

"I heard about the attacks," She explained. "You good?"

"Of course, the idiot was using a modified Mossberg 590 Nightstick," Y/n groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Wasted all his shots in record time," He added, earning a laugh from the blonde.

"You and your sister are so much alike," Kirby laughed as she ruffled Y/n's hair. "Most people run away from the madman with a gun," She added, rolling her eyes as she leaned back in her seat. "How's Sam and Tara?"

"They're safe," Y/n let out a relieved sigh as he shook his head. "A little shook up but that's normal."

"And you're not?"

"Kirby, I'm a doctor... My nerves are long gone," The young genius laughed as he rolled his eyes. "I'm just hungry so hopefully they don't take too long with that idiot of a detective," He explained.

"Can I help you?" A voice called out to the two of them.

"There we go," Kirby laughed as she turned around, standing up and smiling at Detective Bailey. "Special Agen Kirby Reed, FBI," She held up her bad as she spoke. "I work out of the Atlanta Office,"

"You lost?" Detective Bailey asked sarcastically.

"Your two vics were residents of my town before moving here for college," She explained as she handed two files to the man. "I've been investigating their online activity for the past few months,"

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