Chapter Six

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[I Need A Doctor]
[Chapter Six]

"So do I, Samantha,"


A scream caused Y/n and Sam to run into the living room where they saw Mindy trying to fend off Ghostface, her shoulder drenched in blood. Sam quickly grabbed the nearest lamp and threw it at the killer, causing them to spin around and stare at the two newcomers before running around the sofa.

Y/n got ready for a fight while Sam grabbed an ornament from the table, Ghostface realised the issue and quickly ran down a far hall. "Mindy," Y/n growled as he ran over to the curly-haired woman, inspecting her wound.

"That's a lot of blood," She muttered weakly.

"You're okay," Y/n explained as he quickly ripped the torn sleeve of her shirt and used it to stuff the wound, quickly folding the material in on itself as he plugged the hole up. "You'll be fine," He reassured her as she slowly passed out.

Suddenly another scream came from behind Y/n and Sam. "What did you do to her?!" Amber screamed as she stormed over to them.

"I'm very pissed off, Sam..." Y/n muttered as he felt Mindy's pulse.

"We didn't do anything, Amber," Sam quickly stepped in between Amber and Y/n. "Y/n's making sure she's okay..."

"What the fuck?!" Another voice gasped as a bottle smashed against the ground.

"Richie, where the fuck were you?" Sam practically yelled at the man as he looked at the scene before him.

"I just went into the basement to grab a beer," Richie explained as he motioned to the spilt liquid on the floor.

"You went to the basement alone?" Amber questioned him.

"I asked her to come with me and she said no," Richie quickly explained before being cut off by the door slamming shut and Liv running in, hysterically gasping for air.

"Stay the fuck back!" Amber quickly raised her hands as she looked at the pinkette.

"Jesus Christ..." Liv gasped out between sobs.

"I was with Tara but the rest of you were wandering around," Amber quickly accused and Y/n had to bite his tongue to stop himself from laughing. "One of you is the fucking killer!" She yelled.

"Fuck you..." Liv muttered as she glared at Amber.

"Why's there blood on your hands?" Sam questioned Liv and that caused Y/n to spring to his feet.

"I... I found... Chad, I found Chad," She sobbed as she looked at the blood.

"You fucking liar," Amber quickly growled.


"You're the killer," Richie muttered as he stared at the pink-haired woman.

"No..." Liv shook her head.

"Liv stop... LIV!!"

"Fuck you, Amber!!" Liv yelled as she stared at the girl. "Fuck you! I'm not the killer," She defended herself.

"I know," Amber admitted before pulling out a gun and firing, everyone watched in shock as Liv fell to the ground and blood splattered across the wall. "Welcome to act three," Amber smirked as she pointed the gun at the other three.

Tara grabbed Amber's arm at the last second before the gun went off, the bullet piercing the wall instead as Richie grabbed Sam and ran, pulling her into the kitchen before both of them ran into the basement.

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