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[I Need A Doctor]
[Chapter One]

"I'm a man of principle,"


"Why am I here?" The younger Y/n groaned as he let Sam drag him into the house.

"Because I have to babysit them," Sam fired back with a smile as she looked at her boyfriend, dragging him through the Meeks-Martin house until they reached the living room. "Guys! Y/n's here!" She announced as the twins, blond and Tara looked up.

"Y/n!" Tara was the first one off the couch, charging towards the young Prescott and grabbing him in a tight hug. "I thought you were busy?" She asked as he returned the hug.

"I was but Sam over here decided that I did enough studying for the night," Y/n huffed as he saw the younger Carpenter sister back and forth as he moved them towards the couch. "So here I am," He chuckled as Tara took her seat next to Mindy again.

"Stop complaining!" Sam rolled her eyes as she sat down next to Y/n.

"I mean, you were warned," Chad spoke up as he and Wes chuckled one side.

"What exactly did you warn him about?" Mindy asked, glaring at her brother. "Because you definitely weren't talking from experience," She added with a smirk.

"I have experience," Chad fired back.

"Those dating simulator games don't count," Y/n spoke up with air quotations as he watched Chad glare at him. "So focus on your homework," He motioned to the books in front of the four of them as he felt Sam slide her hand into his before leaning against him.

Silence filled the room for a moment, the four of them focused on their work while the two older students focused on the show that was playing. "Come on..." Mindy groaned as she threw herself back against the couch. "This is stupid! Y/n, can't you help me here?" She turned to the medic student and motioned to her books.

"I'm stuck here with you lot, what makes you think I want to be involved with even more work?" Y/n cocked an eyebrow as he stared at the curly-haired girl.

"Aww, come on?!" Mindy whined as she lifted the book up and held it out towards Y/n.

Before Y/n could respond, he felt Sam squeeze his hand as he looked at her, feeling his resolve crumble as he stared into her rich auburn eyes. "Fine," Y/n growled as he pulled away from Sam and moved over to Mindy, sitting between her and Tara before looking at the work, all four paying close attention to him. "Easy..."

The next thirty minutes were filled with Y/n explaining and showing them quicker ways to solve the work they had, little backdoors and loopholes that they could use to make the work so much easier while Sam sat on one side, a warm smile on her face as she watched him go from being extremely annoyed to having a much calmer tone, answering their question and repeating some sections as they slowly got the hang of it.

"And that's it," Y/n smiled as he slammed the book shut, all four letting out a sigh of relief as they put their books away.

"Now that it's all done," Sam spoke up as she stood up. "Off to bed with you," She motioned to the hall as she spoke and was met with multiple groans and complaints. "Save all complaints for corporal, now off you go!" She joked, Chad and Wes were the first to leave, laughing and talking as they made their way to bed.

"Night," Tara smiled as she hugged Y/n.

"Night, Little One," Y/n chuckled as he wrapped one arm around Tara and returned the hug before letting go and watching Tara move over to Sam for a quick hug as she followed Mindy out. "And straight to bed, no staying up talking about boys!" He laughed as he watched the two girls spin around and stick their tongues out at him before disappearing out of the room.

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