110. - This is Only the Beginning.

Start from the beginning

[Olhade] "I do not know... The only ones who know what the Hand Sons are for, are the highest members. The only thing I know is that they plan to restore an ancient evil.."

An Ancient Evil?
Restore it?

....Could this Ancient Evil be whatever this 'Tritery' is who I have heard be mentioned multiple times now?
After all, that Void Lord fellow mentioned someone called 'Lord Tritery' or something...

"Is that really all you know?"

I asked with a sharp tone.
Olhade slightly nodded with a trembling body.

[Olhade] "If I knew any more, I would tell you.."

"And why exactly would you tell me this? You're a member of this organisation as well aren't you? Surely you would keep all of this a secret."

I asked with a skeptical tone. It all seemed just a bit too suspicious. He was telling me way too much valuable information, despite being an apparently high ranking member of this organisation.

So I don't exactly understand whether he is telling the truth or lying through his teeth.

Olhade remained silent, before lifting up his right arm, which looked like it was withering away and turning into ashed right before my eyes.

[Olhade] "...Because I have no reason to listen to what they say anymore..."

He lifted his head up towards me.

[Olhade] "Your move just now.... It seems like it disintegrated my curse, thus freeing me..."

Curse? He was cursed..?
...Is that why he was called the 'Cursed Paladin'?

It would make sense - someone doesn't simply gain a title without a reason. There is always a reason for things to happen, especially if its related to something as crucial as a title.
Olhade then looked off to the side.

[Olhade] "May I tell you my story? So that I can die without any regrets."

I was slightly shaken up a bit by his sudden request. His... Story? Does he mean he wants to tell me about his past?... But why?
Regrets... Regrets, regrets...

I see...
I can understand that. Dying with regrets is something unpleasant - I would know.

After careful consideration, I nodded lightly.

"I'll listen."

[Olhade] "...Thank you.."

Backstory told from Olhades perspective.

I was once a respected, young and powerful Paladin. A man, with so much in life. I faithfully served in the order of Paladins under the rule of the Holy Church - the Church, which worshipped The Deities.

Back then - I had a noble and selfless look on life. I always helped those that needed help, never taking anything in return, since it violated the codex of a paladin.

I had eventually grown to be strong enough and respected enough to potentially join the order of Holy Knights, becoming one of them. That was very exciting for me, since becoming a Holy Knight was one of the greatest honours a Paladin could have.

I wasn't so lucky in the end.

One day, after a battle with a formidable witch that had terrorised an entire town for years, I was inlaid with a powerful, dark curse.
A curse, which relinquished my connections to the Light and Deities - replacing that connection, with pure darkness and evil.

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