[Special Chapter] 3. - Eve of a Christmas Night

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I would like to state at the very beginning, that this chapter is NOT CANON.
Anything that happens in this chapter is STRICTLY uncanon and unrelated to the main story, unlike the other two special chapters before.

This chapter just serves as a celebration of Christmas from me, to you.

      I made my way down the stairs, before checking out of the inn for the day and leaving. Outside, surprisingly - snow had piled up all around.
Although, it was snowing for a while yesterday, so I suppose the snow piling up wasn't actually that surprising when you think about it.

Before you ask, I had managed to buy a bit warmer clothes the other day, in preparation for this kind of time. So yeah, while usually as a snake I would not be a fan of the cold, as it stands, I could manage.

I began to wander down the streets of Ordial - simply observing the lively atmosphere all around. Citizens of the town were decorating their houses with what looked like Christmas decorations made from natural materials, there were Sorcerers and Mages that used magic to trap small light orbs inside jars and then hung them up - as makeshift Christmas lights.

Although, unlike the Christmas lights I knew, these 'makeshift' ones were honestly a lot prettier. They just looked... Well.. magical.

I continued my path through the town by going through the market - which was also being decorated.
It was rather surreal to see — so many different races simply working together to put up wonderful decorations. That made me wonder - why couldn't stuff like this happen in my previous world?

Although... It probably did - I was simply such a work slave that I probably didn't notice.

Another thing that in my opinion was worth mentioning, was that the things that the sellers were selling, also were appropriately themed - there were what looked like cookies or even gingerbread cookies... Do they know what gingerbread even is?

I don't know how many elements of this world and my previous one are similar, but surely something like ginger wouldn't exist here - right?

As I continued to wander down, I began to slowly make my towards the Adventuring Guild building. Even if it was sort of a 'special' season - I still wanted to do some quests today.
While on my way, I kept observing the surroundings - simply marveling at all the different things I could see.

While it's probably not worth mentioning - there were all sorts of beings going around, buying what looked like gifts, decorating their homes — I even saw two lizardmen carrying what looked like a pine tree, which was very surprising.

I mean- Pine trees? In a completely different world? I guess there were some elements similar to my old one.

Eventually, after a while of walking, I reached the Adventuring Guild building, noticing a single receptionist standing outside greeting people.
As soon as I approached, she turned to face me.

[Guild Receptionist] "Good day to you mister and a Happy Winter Season."

Winter Season?
Is it basically Christmas? I wonder.

"Thank you.. Happy Winter Season to you too."

I responded, adding in a small wish for the special season back, since I figured that it was the right thing to do in this situation.

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