Part 5

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 Deelia wore a dress. It wasn't just a long skirt you could wear to a formal setting, though. It was an extravagant, uncomfortable, rather large combination of silks and bright colors. Her hair had been done up in a rich layout of golden combs. She wore makeup to make her look like some decorated member of royalty.

And she was. Still, this all had come to her as such a surprise that she could not shake the feeling that Deelia was still an innocent city creature playing the role of a lady. The things Veena had said were true, no matter how brutal they were.

"It's difficult to find remnants of your race of humans. Your pale complexion is going to make it easy for everybody to notice, though. And we could do you up even better. We'll make you look like ruling class. And, with all your people dead, maybe you are technically the leader of the Sentini. We'll have them all believe it was true beforehand, though. They'll take you much more seriously."

Now, Deelia was going to see if that statement was true. She was in a massive ballroom that was designed to almost resemble a coral reef, being introduced and escorted with a man, Kod, the pilot of the Shrike, one of the supremely powerful Angels of Dusk. To her, he was a guide and babysitter while she put on a sympathetic display. To the rest of the attendees, he was a guardian that protected her sovereign position, dressed in a black tuxedo, tailored to perfection. It was not clearly stated that he wasn't her lover, or at least her betrothed. Deelia worried people might think that, but she was scared to wonder what they would do if they found out he wasn't.

"Deelia Grefnon, of the Sentini people," announced the master of ceremony.

The people gasped collectively. They were all aware of the events that had transpired between her people and their sworn enemy, the Empire of Dawn. Still, there was no proof. They all knew it was true, but without evidence, they had difficulty acting upon it. Now, however, with the leader of the assaulted people and witness of the atrocities standing before them, they could gain the support of multiple powerful organizations that worked under their rule. A total outbreak of war was coming.

That was what Kod and the other Angels wanted to prevent. And yet, he walked confidently down the steps to the main floor, arm in arm with Deelia, scowling at the onlookers. The plan was to rile them up, keep their technologies from falling behind the Empire, keep them in the arms race. The outbreak would only start once either side possessed a clear advantage.

Deelia was still not sure why this had to happen now. The other Angels had come to her with this plan out of nowhere, and it didn't seem like they had anything like this in mind when she arrived. For one reason or another, the UPOA was threatened by a great loss of some kind. Yes, they must have recently lost something that could have given them the upper hand. Now, they needed something else, and Deelia was going to give that to them. She was going to unite them.

And even the part she was playing, the leader of a minor world that had little influence on the state of affairs between the two largest factions in Ookon, put her in a position lower than almost everybody here. These lords and ladies were all some of the highest class in the UPOA. Sure, the faction was a democracy at its core, but putting on this mid-evil show did let them flaunt their power and wealth. Deelia prayed they never found out the whole truth of who she was.

On the floor, they were directed to a table for the two of them. Kod never thought to tame his hair, but it wouldn't stand out too much. All the people here strived for some element of exotic attire. Deelia actually seemed to fit in here, as much as she disliked how it felt physically.

Kod stood up, twice as tall as Deelia was sitting, slender and lanky in his movements, stepped over to Deelia and said, "Remember what we practiced. So much depends on you right now." And then he left. Well, it hadn't been a month in the Angels' care for nothing. A month since she arrived, a month since she had seen Hau. She never forgot him, never met anyone or saw anything that took his place.

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