against all odds, pt. 1

382 15 0

< non-idol au >

warning: contains themes of domestic violence, assault, and professional misconduct. reader discretion is advised

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The morning sun shone brightly through your bedroom windows as your alarm began to blare. With a groan, you rolled over and slapped the snooze button, hoping for just five more minutes of sleep. However, your body had other plans and was fully awake after just a few moments of stillness.

Knowing you wouldn't be able to fall back asleep, you stretched your arms over your head and kicked the blankets off your legs. It was time to start your day.

After a quick shower, you pulled on your police uniform—dark blue pants and a light button-down shirt—with your badge proudly pinned above your left breast. As you ran a brush through your wet hair, you surveyed your reflection in the bathroom mirror. Your eyes still looked tired despite the refreshing shower, but it was nothing that a strong cup of coffee couldn't fix. With a final approving nod, you deemed yourself ready for duty and headed to the kitchen to grab breakfast on your way out the door.

The morning passed by in a blur of traffic stops, paperwork, and coffee refills at the station. As noon approached, your growling stomach reminded you that you hadn't eaten anything more substantial than a granola bar that morning in your rush to get to work on time. Thankfully, your lunch break was approaching, so you shut your computer down and grabbed your patrol cap, eager to get out and find something to eat.

But just as you stepped outside the station, the shrill ringing of your radio sounded from your belt. With a sigh, you lifted it to respond, hoping it wasn't an emergency call that would eat into your lunch.

"Officer Y/N responding, what's up?"

"We've had a noise complaint called in from one of the apartments over on 5th. Sounds like the neighbors are at it again. Think you can swing by and check it out?" Your partner Jackson's voice crackled through.

You glanced regretfully in the direction of the sandwich shop down the block, your stomach growling louder. "10-4. I'm on my way over now."

Clicking the radio back onto your belt, you turned and started the short walk to the apartment building in question. Maybe you'd get lucky, and this would be a quick resolution, so you could still grab a bite.

Upon arrival, you spotted the complainant—a short, dark-haired woman—pacing back and forth on the sidewalk outside, her phone gripped tightly in one hand. Her irritated expression made it clear this had been an ongoing issue.

Waving to get her attention, you called out, "Ma'am, I'm Officer Y/N. I got a call about a noise complaint?"

She visibly relaxed as she looked up, offering you a weary smile. "Thank goodness you're here. I'm pretty sure those guys upstairs are trying to demolish their apartment with all the banging and shouting going on." Stepping closer, she held out her hand. "I'm Park Jihyo, by the way. I live downstairs in 2B."

You shook her hand politely. "Nice to meet you, Ms. Park. Let me go have a word with them and see if we can't get this sorted out."

Shooting her a reassuring nod, you headed into the building and up the stairs to the offending apartment. A few stern knocks and a flash of your badge through the peephole were all it took. The noise abruptly ceased as whoever was inside scrambled to open the door.

A while later, you emerged back outside, satisfied that the situation had been de-escalated and an understanding had been reached between the noisy tenants and their complaining neighbor.

jihyo imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें