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Author's POV:

By hearing his friends advice she tried so hard not to think of him. But it's really hard. In class , she was just wondering what might happened . And what made him to behave like that.

By this thought , the last class too over soon. Now she have the project discussion with Spencer. She was too scared to go there. She don't want to go there but her heart is not listening to her.

She want to go home but she's worried what if he will wait for her . So , she made her way to library with full confusion. And here she saw him reading some books while waiting for her.

She took a deep breath and made her way inside the library . With the door opening sound , SP lifted his head up to see Hema. He saw her and asked her to come fast .

SP : see !  these books for today . You are preparing really well. You are learning things quicker than I thought. Actually we have still 4 days to prepare . But with this fast , you'll complete within 2 days .

Hema : oh ! Thank you ?

SP: no I'm telling that we still have time , so prepare slowly . It's of no hurry. Understood ?

Hema just nodded her head . She is feeling so uncomfortable now. Kaira was right . She can't be with him hereafter. It's really difficult. She have to avoid him for her own sake.

Soon , with that she went to another table and started studying the books SP gave to her . SP was suprised that why she didn't sit with him instead she sat far away from him.

Spencer : Hema!!!

Hema : huh ??

SP: what happened? Why are you sitting there ?

Hema : no ! It's just I don't want others to talk about us wrongly . So ...

SP : Hema! I think you took it too serious what I told before . Actually I didn't mean it in th___

Hema : it's okay SP ! If I have doubts I'll call you . You take rest there. ( She smiled lightly )

With that she started studying not trying to look at him. But Spencer didn't take his eyes off her. Hema sitting away from him disturbs him so much . He want her to sit with him. But SP didn't complain , he just started staring at her.

Hema felt really uncomfortable, she knows that Spencer is staring at her but she have no guts to look at him . She tried focusing on the book infront of her.

Within 30 mins , she completed studying. Ofcourse she skipped a lot because she wanted to leave this place as soon as possible. She called SP and told him she completed .

SP: so soon ?

Hema : yeah !

SP : that's so soon. Did you studied properly ?

Hema : yes I studied!

SP : ok then. I'll giv___

Hema : we'll leave !

SP : huh ?

Hema : I completed. So we'll leave .

SP: okay ! If that's what you want .

Hema : and also Senior . Thank you for your help in my project .

SP: why so sudden?

Hema : just that . And it's enough for my project so we'll stop here.

SP : what ? You are telling me that it's enough for today , right ?

Hema : No ! For the whole project . We'll stop this here . I'll manage with my project of what I get till now . Thank you so much for helping me .

She smiled at him as a thanks . But he's standing there blankly not able to digest the thing she told. He was wondering what happened suddenly to her ?

SP: what are you talking ? It's not even completed half . How can you tell that it's enough ?

Hema : I'm serious Senior . It's enough. From here I'll manage the things . You did a lot for me . I'm really thankful to you .

SP : what happened to you ?

Hema : nothing Senior . Don't think too much . It's time so it's better if we leave .

Without waiting for Spencer's reply , she started packing her things . And started leaving the place .

Hema : bye senior 😊👋🏻 see you tomorrow.

Without any delay she went from that place . But SP is still standing in his place .

Spencer's POV :

I have no idea what happened to her . But she is really behaving odd . I think I really hurted her like what Priscella told. I shouldn't have talked to her like that .

What happened to me suddenly ? Why I behaved like that to her ? Why I'm the person who's messing up in our relationship. God ! I wonder what happened to me that time. I always get angry whenever they mentioned their name together.

After hearing that Hema has a crush on Vihas from Maisy , I totally lost my mind . I can't image them together as a friend , how will I imagine them as a thing ?

I should really ask sorry to her. I don't want to mess up my relationship with her . I can't accept this from her . I really don't like and don't want the behaviour she showed me now . As for now, I should go home first . But still why she's calling me senior?? I don't like that .

Hema's POV:

I'm somehow managed to escape from that situation but I don't know how long I should do like this .

I don't want to leave him there like that but that's what I should do to make everything normal. As of now I want to spend sometime with my family , I don't want to think about him .

I'm not confident with my project but with this little notes I took  , I should start working on it. I can't ask help from him .

I shouldn't have started this . It's all my fault and now I'm suffering. It's okay Hema . You can do that. It's good that stop asking help from him so that you'll use your brain little more.

Hema : okay Hema ! You can do it !! It's time for you to use your brain .

Jacob : for that , you should have brain first 🤷🏻‍♂️

Hema : hello ? What are you doing here Mr. ?

Jacob : I came to see what my brainless sister is doing .

Hema : already I'm not in good mood . Please don't make it worser . Just leave from here.

Jacob : what if I told that I won't leave ?

Hema : don't irritate me . Just leave !!

Jacob : I won't !!

With that Jacob opened the full door and stand there like a bodyguard. This made Hema to boil in anger. She got up from the seat and started chasing her brother who is running to save his life from her sister.

While running , they both accidentally broke the glass vase . That sounds made Mrs. Barren to run to the spot and she saw the broken pieces.

Both brother and sister standing there like they don't know how it happened .

Mrs . Barren : who did this ? 😡

Both Hema and Jacob shake their head as ' don't know ' . But they can't lie to their mother .

Mrs. Barren : you guys got guts to lie to me , right ?

Hema / Jacob : no mom.

Mrs . Barren : it's okay . You guys don't know who did this , right ? Then I'll give punishment for both of them . 1 month pocket money cancelled for both of you .

Hema / Jacob: mom !! No please !!

But Mrs. Barren didn't listen to them and went to clean the mess they created. Both of them giving death glare to each other and made their way to their room .

It's really big job to handle the kids , right ???

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