2. In which I'm invisible

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I'm unable to tear my eyes away from Dr. Saxe. It's like a new, unspoken connection is bridging the gap between us. How can someone so aggravating in the light of day evoke such a storm of warm emotions in me now?

His lips part slightly as he breathes, and for an insane moment, I wonder what it would be like to feel the warmth of his skin against mine. I jolt at that last thought and step back, my breath catching in my throat, as the realization of what I'm doing—and feeling—slowly sinks in. What exactly is happening here?

For some unknown reason, I'm in my university professor's room watching him sleep, instead of getting out of there before getting caught, and also, trying to figure out how I'd even gotten to his house when I don't even know where he lives!

The last thing I remember, I'd convinced Chloe to come out with me. We were supposed to go dancing together... had we gone? Seeing the short, sparkly dress and heels I'm wearing, I probably had... So then, what happened? Did we make it to the club? Why can't I remember?

First thing first. I have to go home. Unfortunately, light comes on outside the bedroom and I hear footsteps coming my way. If I get caught here I'm dead: the sheer humiliation will likely kill me. So I do the sensible thing and dodge behind a curtain, just as someone bursts into the room. It's a tall, beautiful woman with long red hair who's wearing a light, silk robe.

« Harry! Wake up! » She exclaims, hurriedly.

Dr. Saxe immediately sits up in bed, looking remarkably composed for someone who barely just woke up.

« Viv? What's wrong? » he asks, his voice gruff with sleep.

I briefly wonder if 'Viv' is this woman's actual name, one Dr. Saxe bothered remembering, before focusing again. I have to breathe as quietly as I can so no one notices my presence! Luckily for me, there seem to be more pressing issues at hand.

« It's Chloe! » The redhead replies. « She needs help! »

I hold back a gasp. They're not talking about MY Chloe, are they? Why would she need any help from Dr. Saxe of all people?

I watch them exit the room where I remain hidden for a minute longer, before getting out myself, though not before glimpsing into the hallway to make sure I'm alone. Turns out I am. Slowly, I make my way towards a couple of voices I can hear arguing a little further down the hall. I'm led to the top of a large, wooden staircase at the bottom of which, is none other than my Chloe collapsed on her knees, in tears. She's wearing a red dress that looks vaguely familiar until I recognize it as mine. I vaguely recall insisting she wear it for our night out.

What's going on with her? Did her boyfriend do something? I see him close beside her, an angry scowl on is face.

« What happened? » Dr. Saxe asks, placing a hand on Chloe's back.

I blink in surprise. Are they acquainted? But then why hadn't Chloe ever mentioned that during all the times I talked to her about how annoying Dr. Saxe was?

« Nate...? » The man insists when it's clear Chloe's not in a place to speak.

The guy's busy staring angrily at Dr. Saxe's hand on Chloe, clenching his fists like a child would upon having been denied his candy.

« It's her friend... » He mutters reluctantly before shutting his mouth like he's said everything.

It's not enough information for Dr. Saxe though.

« Which... friend? » he asks, obviously annoyed but trying to keep his tone even, for Chloe's sake.

« You know, the one she met in class! » MacDumb face replies, with a scowl. « Small brunette, obnoxious, talks too much... »

« Emma?! » Dr. Saxe asks in surprise, raising his head.

Ah! I knew it, he knows my name! He's suddenly looking a little pale though... Probably a trick of the light!

My thoughts are interrupted by a piercing scream. Chloe's now panting against the floor, face contorted in pain.

« Harry... she's going to turn... » Viv comments in warning.

What does she mean by 'turn'? What's wrong with Chloe? I hesitate to step out of my hiding place when Dr. Saxe gets her to her feet, and drags her off in his arms, whispering things to her I cannot hear from my hiding spot.

« Hey! Where are you going? Chloe's my mate! » her boyfriend protests as he begins to trail after them.

But the redhead, Viv, grabs him by the arm.

« Enough, Nate! Only Harry can help her now, you know this. Tell me what happened. »

« I already did, Viviane! » The guy's practically choking on his anger. « She's in shock because her friend had an accident. »

An accident? Wait... are they still talking about me?

« What kind of accident? » Viviane says, sending Nate a pointed look.

« She got hit by a car on her way out of the club she and Chloe were at, ok? Don't look at me like that, I had nothing to do with it! »

Hit by a what?! My ears are ringing... Did I just hear that correctly? That can't be true! I'd remember if I'd been in an accident... right?

A vague impression of fear, the distant sound of yelling as I'm dragging Chloe on a street in the rain, echoes in my mind. I'm confused. Too confused to stay hidden any longer! Embarrassment be damned, I have to know what's happening here. I get out of my hiding space and make my way downstairs.

« Look, I don't know what Nate deal is but I wasn't in any accident! As you can see I'm right here, doing just fine so... are you guys even listening to me? »

I interrupt my speech when it becomes obvious neither Nate nor Viviane are paying attention to a word I'm saying. They're continuing their conversation like I'm not even there! Rude much?

« Hello? » I try again, waving my hand in front of Nate's face. « Why are you pretending I had an accident? I'm right here! »

Nate doesn't bother to acknowledge me in the least. Though, neither does little Miss 'Viv' over there, which is worrisome. It's like they can't even see me. Things quickly escalate to downright terrifying when, as I try to catch Nate's attention by grabbing his shoulder, I find my hand going right through him like it would through air. I'm stunned in place. Am I dreaming?

« Let's go wait in the living room! » Viviane says, though her voice seems to reach me from miles away.

I feel like I can't breathe. What is happening to me? I throw myself in front of them, trying to block their path but they pass through me like I'm nothing more than a wisp of smoke, their bodies chillingly insubstantial as they intersect with mine. It's like they never even touched me in the first place! This is a nightmare. It has to be!

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