Intro: in which I stalk a man...

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How did I get here? The last thing I remember, I was leaving a club after getting into an awful fight with my friend Chloe, and now I'm in an empty corridor, alone. 

Everything is still and eerily quiet. If it wasn't for the sound of the rain pouring outside, you'd think I'd step into another dimension. A strange, cold dimension in which I'm alone, walking down an unknown path. 

There's a door, at the end of the hallway I feel compelled to reach. I can't explain it, it's like my body's seeking something my mind doesn't yet comprehend. The door's been left open. For me, perhaps?

I slip inside a dark, quiet room dimly lit by the moon, which casts a soft, ethereal glow through the large bay window. My eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, and I realise I'm standing in a bedroom, with high ceilings and wooden floors, elegantly furnished but bearing a personal touch that makes it feel lived in.

And there, in the bed, lies a figure. A man, half-covered by a tangled mess of sheets, his chest bare and rising gently with each breath. 

Even in sleep, there's a strength to him, his features cast in the soft lunar light, revealing a rugged handsomeness that feels familiar yet utterly captivating.

Who's this man and what is he doing here? Wait, more importantly... what am I doing here? In a man's bedroom, watching him sleep? Shouldn't I do the sensible thing and leave? 

Something holds me in place and I find myself walking towards the bed instead, heart racing as I try to make out the man's features throughout the darkness. When I do, a shiver of excitement runs through me.

It's him. Harry Saxe. My university professor. The very man I've spent countless lectures sparring with, his aloofness and arrogant demeanour always putting us at odds. Yet here he is, vulnerable in sleep, a stark contrast to the composed figure he presents to the world.

I can't help but observe him, the way the moonlight plays across his skin, highlighting the contours of his muscles which my eyes may or may not linger on. His face, usually twisted in annoyance, now seems peaceful, the lines of stress and authority softened by the grip of slumber.

I never thought I'd get to watch Dr. Saxe sleep. In fact, I never thought I'd get to see him do anything other than scowl at me. 

For some reason, the man has had a problem with me from the minute he set his eyes on me, a scene I've replayed in my mind many times over since it took place six months ago....

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