Tara was driving my car since she said" You're not allowed to drive till we know how the baby is...."

Myra was watching a cartoon on her iPad, about numbers and letters, with some words as well, Lucas and I had agreed that Myra should start some early level learning, before she went to pregrade...

And it seems that she was catching on quite good, when we get home I think I'll assess her a little

We finally got to the hospital, which was private....when we got to the reception, Tara told the nurse about my situation and told her that I should wait for a few moments...

Myra was allowed to come into the room as well since it was nothing serious....

"Amika Harris..." my name was called out signifying that it was time for me to go....she gave me a room number and a nurse directed us to the room

A female doctor was waiting in the room sitting on the desk, she looked to be in her mid 40s and had light brown hair

"Hello...you must be Amika...please take a seat....I'm Miss Monroe...." she said while shaking my hand

Her eyes landed on Myra and Tara who seemed to be pleasantly surprised

"Mom...I didn't know you'd be Amika's doctor...." She said while side hugging her

"And I thought you were going to be out of town today...."

"Plans changed.." she said sheepishly
"It seems like plans are always changing for you...."
"And who is this little darling....." she said looking at Myra

"This is Myra..., Myra say hi to Miss Monroe, she is aunty Tara's mommy..."

"Hi..." Myra said with a small voice
"Hello dear would you like something to drink....you seem to be tired..." she said looking at her sympathetically

Myra immediately perked up and nodded her head eagerly

"There's a snack room, which also has a mini playroom....Amika can she go..."

Myra gave me her biggest puppy dog eyes
"Pleaseeeeee Mommmmyyy can I go...."

It's not like I could refuse those puppy dog eyes, they were my one weekness, or one of them

"Sure baby, but go with aunty Tara, and Tara don't give her too many snacks or cold drinks...

"Yayyyy..... let's go aunty Tara...." Myra said while pulling her with her

Once they were gone, Miss Monroe finally turned to me....
"How are you feeling dear.?" she asked me
"I think I'm good except the occasional nausea, cravings and my emotions are more intense...

"I see, so how did you come to the conclusion that you were pregnant..." Miss Monroe asked me

"I didn't, Tara did and bought me 5 different pregnancy tests which were all positive..."

" Her intuitions were right for once and at a good time.."
I chuckled

"Do you feel any soreness or any pain, bloating, and most importantly, missed period..."

"All of those, but on the period part it did come but differently, they were like spots of blood for a day..."

"Okay....all your symptoms so far indicate that you indeed are pregnant....but just to confirm I will do a urine test...."

After some minutes, she came back with urine sample test I had done....

"Andddd I can infact confirm that you are pregnant, congratulations..." she said with a smile

Myra All Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें