The War Beast

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3rd Pov

We see two diamonds, Blue and Yellow each sitting on a thrown while Blue was sitting with tears pouring from her eyes but not making a sob or wail and yellow sat with her head resting in her palm. They both looked at a feed of the battlefields and the rebels were winning

Yellow: she slammed her fist in the arm of her throne "Outrageous! How are they beating us! Their just a few hundred gems against an entire colony!"

Blue: "Oh Pink...I should have never allowed this..." she put her hands over her eyes and started weeping

Yellow: "Blue. It's time." She stood up from her throne as Blue looked at her with a shocked expression

Blue: "No, the Dragonstone is not thought out yet and the Ultra planet isn't terraformed completely! If we issue it's incubation the gems on that planet will all be lost." She looked at Yellow in tears

Yellow: "It's a necessary sacrifice. It's our last hope, we're losing far too many gems what's a few more in order to win. I spent centuries planning its creation and forming it in the core of that planet will give us an ultimate force." She walked over to a command pad as it showed screens of a small moon sized planet that was being terraformed

Blue:"But Yellow, those gems aren't just something we can sacrifice in order to birth one..." Yellow ignored her before she started working on the command pad and sent a command through as the screen showed an X-ray of the planet and in its core there is a small gem

Yellow: "The Dragonstone will be our final effort, then we will turn to white for help." She pushed a button and a feed of the planet showed as the live on the planet all started to wither and the gems all had their energy drained, losing their physical forms and leaving multiple gemstones on the ground with no life in them

Blue: "I'm so sorry...all of you..." she said to all the fallen gems as if they could hear her before a few moments passed and the incubation started to rise as Yellow looked slightly surprised

Yellow: "It's incubating faster than expected...too fast..." a bar showed how far the incubation was and the crystal began forming taking on the shape of a draconic head at a side view before the gem gave off a glow

Blue: she stood beside yellow watching the gem from the holographic screen "It's...beautiful..." the gem gave off a light before it cycled through multiple forms each one getting more and more monstrous before it reverted to the first form being humanoid

Command Pad: "Planetary devastation imminent, host is experiencing discharges." The command pad exclaimed in a robotic voice before it showed an outside view of the small planet as it cracked around the surface before it exploded with a discharge of red energy

Yellow: she stare in shock before pushing buttons on the command pad "Did it survive? Run analysis of the area."

Blue: "Oh no..." tears run from her eyes again down her cheeks

Command Pad: "Sign of life detected." Both diamonds perked up as the feed displayed a humanoid figure using the warp pad that survived the destruction and was floating through the area as it lit up "Subject has left the vicinity."

Blue: "Where's it going?" She looked at yellow who's face is stern

Yellow: "It will search for it's master of course, meaning it's coming right for us." They turned to the opening in the nearby wall which showed to the courtyard where gems were leaving and arriving via the warps until one of the pads streamed with light

Steven Universe: DragonstoneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora