Chapter 9

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(Warning : this chapter was edited, so if you read previous fersion - you need to read it again. Hope you'll enjoy )

Kawaki's POV:

I screamed. The darkness disappeared from my eyes, and in front of me I saw a familiar room. I felt every muscle in my body screaming in pain and shaking, and my entire body was covered in cold sweat. My heart was beating very fast and my lungs couldn't keep up with my breathing. I lowered my head, placing my hand on my chest. What the hell was that? After all... I just fell into a big black hole. How is it possible that I am now... well - where am I now? I looked up, and a second later I felt a hand on my shoulder. I panicked and turned around abruptly, still sitting there.Through all the fear and anger, I didn't recognize her for a moment. I swear that if I had to, I would recognize her beautiful sapphire eyes among the thousands of shining stars in the sky - Sumire. What is she doing here? Why is she... crying?

- Oh my... what... happened to you? Are you feeling alright? - she asked, with eyes full of tears - smiling nervously.

I was shocked, what was it? Is what I just experienced... a dream? No it is not possible. But it's not important now, I'll think about my life dilemmas and nightmares later.

- What are you doing here? Where is Eida? What the hell did she did to you?!

- Eida? Well... she's outdoors talking with guards about what happened to you while training. And-

- Training? What training? - I asked, completely confused.

- You... don't remember?

- Renember what?

Still with tears in her eyes, she looked at me in surprise. She was shaking, which was a clear sign to me that something bad had happened. Who did this to her? Sumire's rosy cheeks and lips took on a more intense color, giving the illusion that her pale skin was even paler. She looked like a ghost. I felt helpless. You can't see it on my face, but I was worried as hell. I felt strangely angry and frustrated that someone had reduced her to this state. I swear that if someone hurt her, I will tear every bone from the perpetrator's body with my own hands.

Then she said, instantly making me focus :

- You were training with Mitsuki, and then you lost your balance and seriously injured your arm. You lost a lot of blood, that's why you lost consciousness. You really don't remember this?

- What.. the hell?! Is this a joke, Sumire?! I wasn't training with Mitsuki!

- Oh dear... so you must also hit your head...

- What are you  fucking talking about?!

- Kawaki-kun please, calm down-

I sat on the couch facing her.

- You don't remember? But yesterday... we together-

- Kawaki-kun... please. We were very worried about you... I was worried about you... You were mumbling something in your sleep, and you were all tense. Have you had a nightmare?

I was stunned. Sumire... is she... lying to me? No, she never lies - she would never lie to anyone. She's too kind and honest to do that. So this means that Eida covering us, and our kiss...that was all only my dream? No, this can't be true. After all... we spent so much time together. Was all my fucking effort wasted?! Sumire didn't kiss me?! We haven't spent a single moment together?! No, we definitely did it - I won't be manipulated. But... why would Sumire lied? Did Eida forced her to say that? Fuck it, I'll find out by myself.

- Stop this Sumire, it's isn't funny.

- Stop what? - she asked, even more suprised.

- Just stop lying to me! I know that I didn't trained with Mitsuki today.

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