Chapter 7

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Kawaki's POV:

There was a really heavy atmosphere that I could feel all over my body - as well as the streams of my own blood. I felt it flowing down my arm and it was accompanied by unimaginable pain. I dug the blade in way too deep, and my self-regeneration ability had trouble healing it. Fuck, I thought I was going to faint from the pain. But I couldn't, not now - trying to hide it, I looked Eida straight in the face, with a serious face. She can't think I'm bluffing, otherwise all my effort will be wasted - and therefore she can hurt Sumire. This is probably the last thing, wait, what am I saying, I wouldn't want this to happen at all. She is too sweet and kind, even to Eida. I would never forgive myself if she was hurt because of me. Slowly, my legs began to buckle under their own weight and my hands began to shake. I must have lost a lot of blood if this was happening. Despite this, I still managed to hide all this pain and suffering from her, effectively putting Eida in a really difficult situation. She don't want me to die no matter what, so even if I'm not serious, she can't be sure about my next move. Honestly, if this were a different situation, I would take the opportunity to take my life with honor. Fucking hell, what am I even saying?

Eida looked at me with cold and unfeeling eyes, carefully watching the blade at my throat. Despite the lack of emotion on her face, I was sure she cared. Why would she give up working with Code for me? Or change everyone's memories? The answer is simple, because he "loves" me. She won't let me die, even if I really wanted to. I knew it, that's why I used it.

- After everything I've done for you, you still defend her?

- What the hell is wrong with you? I'm not befending her without a reason.

- A reason? - she asked, with a damn creepy expression pn her face.

- Sumire didn't do anything wrong, you should be punishing me.

- Is that so?

- I'll say it for the last time Eida, PUT   HER   DOWN.

She knows very well that she doesn't mess with me, and everything I say is serious - that's why she can't underestimate me. After a very fucking stressing while, Eida finally let go Sumire's throat. Damn, a stone fell from my heart. Sumire was safe. I deactivated my modified arm (or rather, prosthetic arm), and I no longer had the blade at my throat. Eida looked mad, but let her be angry if she wants, I really don't care as long as she doesn't hurt people important to me. Speaking of which, Sumire fell to her knees, holding her throat with both hands while breathing deeply. She was shaken and probably terrified of what Eida had done. She didn't deserve to be treated like this, and honestly, this situation made me hate Eida even more. After a moment, she looked at me with a look of pure concern. It's probably my shoulder. However, she didn't even take a step closer, she just continued to sit on the floor - watching us in detail. What was surprising to me was that she actually spoke to Eida at all.

- Eida-san, I'm really sorry.

That made me furious. Eida is the one who should apolagize, not her. I didn't said a word.

- Now you have a chance to explain yourself. Maybe I'll even forgive you, Kakei.

- I don't know what you saw, but I can swear to you, Eida-san, that I didn't want this situation to happen. I'm your friend, and out of pure loyalty, I would never try to "take" Kawaki away from you. You know very well that I love Boruto. I'm so sorry for making you tought that I betrayed you.

"I love Boruto" - fuck, it hurt so much. I don't even know why, I asked her about it myself. So why does it hurt so much?

- I see... - Eida said, looking suprised at her - I saw how you kissed her, Kawaki. Why did you did that?

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