Chapter 3

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Sarada's POV: 

Some time has passed since our last meeting. Class Rep has been having a lot paperwork in the lab lately, so I was surprised that she suddenly took the day off - but I'm happy about it, she'll finally get some rest. I was walking down the main street of Konoha passing people, had they really forgotten about Boruto? Who he is? This whole thing is really distracting me, my mission is or was to observe Eida and make friends with her. On the phone Sumire told me that there was an important matter, I wonder what she meant... It definitely has something to do with our "secret" mission. Even Eida doesn't support Kawaki's plan, even though she is morbidly jealous of him. At least we agree on that. This man is cruel, with no humanity left. I can honestly say that I hate him. He ruined my childhood friend's life, and he definitely has something to do with the disappearance of his parents. Did he really see no other way? Did he have to do something so risky? When I see him I want to punch him in the face, sometimes even worse than that. I really don't understand how Eida - who had been watching him for some time - could fall in love with an ignorant person like him... 

I was getting closer to the end of the street until I finally reached the place. Class Rep really likes this cafe, which doesn't surprise me because they have the best iced coffee and tea here. I went inside, as usual, there was a small group of regular customers there. It didn't take long until I spotted Sumire sitting at a modest table among them. Of course I joined her. 

- Hello, again - Sarada-chan. Thank you so much for coming here. 

- No problem, really. So, what's the matter? You told me that it's important. 

- Well, yes. I wanted to propose a plan, that I think will work. 

- I'm all ears - I said with a cheeky smile. 


- Are you crazy?! This plan can't work, not with Eida! She or Daemon could kill you, we can't risk it. 

- Sarada-chan - she said, calmly - we have no other choice. If I could get close to Kawaki, there was a slim chance I could convince him to change his mind. I'm sure Eida supports our opinion because she doesn't want Boruto-kun to die. 

- I don't agree with this, Class Rep, think about it for a moment. If Kawaki senses the trick, we're lost. I understand what you want to achieve with this, and I appreciate your efforts and sacrifice - but it may not work out - I said, really trying to make her realize the danger of this plan. 

But Sumire is stubborn. She quickly explained to me what benefits we could get from this. They sounded really promising, but in the back of my mind I knew there was definitely a catch somewhere along the way. Before I could explain my concerns to her again, she said something that completely surprised me ; 

- I'm sure it will work - then she smiled kindly. 

- H-How? Why you're sure of this? - I said, extreamly confused. 

- I live in the same house with him. I have contact with him every day, whether I want it or not, and besides... there's something... ehh, it doesn't matter... - she looked down, stopping her sentence. 

- What happened? - I asked, feeling that something is bothering her. 

- It's really nothing, Sarada-chan. Don't worry. 

- If you say so... Well, we can try this plan. Just please be careful. 

- I will, thank you, Sarada-chan. 

Then we just talked about everything we had missed. We drank coffee and generally had a nice time. This is quite a sad reality because we all train almost every day because the village might be attacked by Code. But that's the job of a Shinobi. Sumire is not a full-fledged Kunoichi, so she cannot even participate in C-rank missions (except for special permission from the Hokage). This worries me very much. Of course, we will protect her as much as possible, like all citizens, but what if Class Rep would annoy Eida? Who will save her? Sometimes I have the impression, that we are carrying out a mission at least for extra jonin, and not ordinary chonin and genin. I sincerely hope that this will not happen, and if it does, we will protect ourselves against it in some way. Speaking of which, I'm curious how Boruto is doing, is he okay? How strong is it currently? I hope he comes back as soon as possible, because the situation in Konohagakure has been getting worse and worse, over the last four years. 

At the end of the meeting, of course, we paid for everything. I wanted to invite Class Rep to my place for training, but she said that the hedgehog had to come back. Why? Does Kawaki or Eida set specific hours for her? What is this, a curfew or something? It made me a little nervous, but I can't force her if she's busy. I cleared my negative thoughts, I can't imagine unrealistic things.

We hugged each other goodbye, and we both went our separate ways. I hope our plan works.


(881 words)

Author's note : 

Hello everyone! Thank's so much for reading my story! I'm so sorry that this chapter is shorter, but who would whrite every chapter with more than 2k words?

Anyway, thank you again.
See ya in the next chapter!♡

Unexpected Love [Kawasumi]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang