Chapter 3: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover

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The next few days passed in a blur as they packed up everything they would need for the three day journey. They didn't expect to stay more than a few days in Hillbranch as Alexis wasn't sure how long they could all keep up a calm facade when faced with the many atrocities the family committed on a daily basis. This was more the first foray into enemy territory to ascertain if there may be something worth saving or if the next time they visited it would be with an army.

The day of departure finally dawned and as the sun began to crest the horizon, Alexis stared out at the Cerulean Sea from his balcony. The sun rose behind him as his window faced west, but he liked watching the first rays hit the water once it rose over the rooftop. He loved the sea and found himself mourning the loss of it before he'd even left. He didn't remember much of his childhood prior to Michael finding him, but the song of the ocean was in his blood and he knew he could never live anywhere he couldn't easily reach the sea.

The door behind him creaked open and judging by the heavy footfalls it was Simon who had come to fetch him. "Gods be, if you brood any harder, every available maiden in the city will fall pregnant," his friend said with a chuckle.

Alexis turned, pushing away from the balcony as he shot his bodyguard a grin. "Well then, seems this whole trip would be for naught should that happen. Guess I better save it for my new bride."

"Kiver would have kittens if you bedded any ol' lass after all we spent to plan this mission. Seems we should probably see it through." Another thought struck him. "Not to mention Liara would castrate you if we don't help Hillbranch after all the work she put in."

Grimacing, Alexis walked over to his clothes that had been laid out the night before. "I certainly don't want to be on the receiving end of Liara's wrath, so I suppose we had better get this show on the road. I take it everything is loaded in the carriage?" He pulled on his casual traveling clothes, an outfit that was primarily black with red trim throughout as a subtle nod to Blackridge's colors.

"Been ready for nearly an hour now. I think the only thing left is you," Simon replied. "And maybe whatever Chef has been making us for breakfast. I know Liara was waiting in the kitchen to get first choice of whatever it is."

Alexis let out a derisive snort. "I never expected that girl to become such a food connoisseur. Chef may have ruined her as a spy at this rate." Simon held the door for his friend, closing it as he left before heading for the stairs. He stopped when he realized Alexis was no longer beside him and he looked back to see the young man staring at the portrait of his father that hung on the landing.

"I will do it, Father. What we always planned. I promise." They stood there in silence for a few moments as if giving the words time to reach into the beyond. Finally, he turned and the two made their way to where the carriage waited for them.

Their transportation wasn't the only thing out front, Alexis discovered, as he exited the building to a roar of applause from nearly a hundred people who had gathered to see him off. He couldn't help but grin as he waved to his citizens, touched that so many had wanted to wish him farewell. He wouldn't be able to give each one a heartfelt goodbye, but he did his best to meet as many eyes as possible.

Odessa and Kiver were standing next to the carriage, ready to see him off as they would be staying behind to run things in his absence. Should any correspondence be needed, they'd communicate via the same crow and talisman that Liara had used on her trip and Kiver would have a contingent of their troops always at the ready should anything go horribly wrong.

Liara was nowhere to be seen, but Alexis had no doubt she was nearby. She was his backup bodyguard in some respects, staying in the shadows to watch things from a more outside perspective. He was debating calling his spies 'shadows' in the future thanks to the work she and Kiver had put into keeping such low profiles in their jobs. He very much doubted anyone thought his aged butler was a master spy and that was exactly how they wanted it.

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